• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. lamanlupa

    Last Meal

    Don't wanna sound too morbid but if it was your last night on earth (alive that is), what would be your last meal? I would probably have the most gut-bursting meal of my life when that happens, a lot of pizzas, pasta, a whole roasted pig and lots and lots of ice cream. Yeah, I got quite a sweet...
  2. lamanlupa

    Is a Zombie Apocalypse Really Possible?

    Zombie movies are all the rage these days, personally, I find it annoying but not annoying enough that I had to ask the question, is it really possible? Will it come as a result of a freak military weapons test? From a lab? From an infected animal, a mutated strain of virus or bacteria... It...
  3. lamanlupa

    The Last Game You Lost Sleep Over

    Do you remember the last game that you have played that was so good or amazing that you decided to play through it even if it takes you the whole night? Were you able to finish it? Personally, I never had that experience before, I do not really possess that kind of dexterity or intestinal...
  4. lamanlupa

    SNES Bosses

    The SNES console to me was the greatest videogame console ever designed. It released thousands of titles during its time and was the catalyst for many kids to hone their videgaming skills and maybe the reason why so many of us wanted to become programmers and IT guys. In your mind, who was the...
  5. lamanlupa

    Character Ideas

    If you are going to design or create a videogame character from scratch, what weapons would you give him/her? What would be his/her supermove? Whenever I play a game, I usually pick a military type of character or a ninja inspired character with a sword or if not, an robot/cyborg. How about...
  6. lamanlupa

    How do you take losing when you were young?

    When playing games when I was a kid, I used to lose to my younger brothers, and I mean a lot! Too bad for them, because I used to be a sore loser. After losing, it usually will end up with me pressing the power button of the console that were playing at that time, whatever it was, if not the...
  7. lamanlupa

    Favorite Death Scene

    We see characters die all the time, but which among them did you feel a little teary-eyed upon watching them. Where you somewhat affected? Was it done cinematic enough or any memorable dialogues? I, for one can remember the death scene of one of the nurses in the story. It was just so...
  8. lamanlupa

    If You Can Think of a Nickname about How you Play, it Will be...

    I love videogames, but sadly, I don't have the motor reflexes and finger dexterity to be a good gamer. I am purely a spectator. I love watching good and skillful players rack points or finish a particular game. I'd probably call myself "The Delegator" because whenever the hard stages approaches...
  9. lamanlupa

    What for you is the cutest character?

    For me the cutest creature of character that appeared in a videogame was Final Fantasy's Moogles. Though, they might be considered 16 bit characters, there pictures shows them as cute and cuddly magical creatures. Even their barking sounds are cute, they usually go "kupo." If you imagine them...