• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by rockandgreen

  1. rockandgreen

    Anybody Still Coding?

    I used to be quite an avid coder in JS and Python but I stopped quite a while back. I am in the same position as you in that I am thinking of returning to coding, as well.
  2. rockandgreen

    Chatting while playing?

    I am terrible at multitasking but chatting whilst playing is something I frequently do on more social gaming platforms so I can learn about other players or work as a team with my friends.
  3. rockandgreen

    Your first online game?

    My first online game was on Notdoppler. Oh, those were the days. I remember playing the particle simulator Dust, that was pretty fun as well.
  4. rockandgreen

    Cheating Online

    Online cheaters/hackers and exploiters exist everywhere, in every gaming community. They try to manipulate the virtual environment so they can break the rules of the game and gain unfair advantages over others. I have quite frequently run into hackers and exploiters during online gaming sessions...
  5. rockandgreen

    DC Universe Online

    I haven't played it yet but I always seemed like it would be fun to play a superhero styled online game. I may try it in the future.
  6. rockandgreen


    I experience lag all the time. Since I live in quite a remote, rural area the connection isn't as good. This increases the lag and latency that worsens my gaming experiences.
  7. rockandgreen

    Do you ever record your gaming?

    I am terrible at multi tasking and have barely had the chance to record myself properly whilst gaming due to real life time constraints. However, I may look into investing or being a part of a YouTube gaming channel in the future if I want to go down that road. Heck, I might even record just for...
  8. rockandgreen

    Do people still play Terraria?

    I used to play Terraria a couple of years ago but very briefly. I hardly got into the Terraria franchise due to its off-putting graphics and it seemed to be buggy and faulty on my device back then. Maybe I might return and try it out soon if I get the time.
  9. rockandgreen

    Terraria vs Minecraft!

    I much prefer Minecraft over Terraria mainly due to the graphics and 3D aspect but I haven't played Terraria nor got to know the characters enough to say how good Terraria is, whether it's a bad game or if it is perhaps even better than Minecraft. I just ended up playing Minecraft more.
  10. rockandgreen

    PC or xbox? Which to get?

    PC has a lot more functionality and can do much more than a simple XBOX. However, it depends on what reason you are looking to buy the new hardware. If you want to try XBOX games and are lacking entertainment devices then maybe a XBOX would be the right choice.
  11. rockandgreen

    Hardest game you have ever played?

    Oh my god, don't even get me started on the Japanese Bullet Hell series of Touhou. The levels there are virtually impossible.
  12. rockandgreen

    A game you're currently addicted to..

    I am currently addicted to Minecraft Bedwars, as weird as it sounds. I just love the ingenious game rules that mean there are many incentives and motives to keep playing. If there are any other old time Minecraft players out there I definitely encourage you to try out this game mode by Hypixel.
  13. rockandgreen

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    It depends on how finely you can control your nerves and bodily responses and functions. A finer motor control means you can control what parts of your body respond to what stimuli. It just comes with practice.
  14. rockandgreen

    WHY do you game?

    Sometimes I gain for the passion and will to win, other times it's to better my own skills and understandings but usually it's for the social aspect to get to know other gamers better, team up and play together and win together as well.
  15. rockandgreen

    Losing Yourself (and Time) in the Game

    As I get more engrossed in a game I lose interest in time keeping, my surroundings and my responsibilities. I guess it just is a natural response to being stimulated by a pleasurable gaming experience. Hey, as the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun.