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Leaving a game?


Active Member
Jun 20, 2017
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I know that most of us stay in the front of our PC and forget about time and people around us. It is really hard to leave a game when you are in the middle of it.
I wonder what makes you give up a game when you are in the middle of the game, so, what makes you leave the PC?
I give up on a game when I am hungry and I must go eating and when I must take my wife somewhere!


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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When I'm really hooked what makes me leave a game is usually some sort of obligation.Maybe it's school the next morning or maybe I have to go out with my pals. I'd never trade real life events to stay at home playing. Video Games are nice but it's all they are. A virtual reality. We can't live life virtually.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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Normally games that involve online matches are really difficult to leave, principally when you are addicted to the game, let's say League of Legends or Counter-strike. Some of the reasons that would make me leave are getting dinner with family, some family emergency or tilt.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
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I only leave games if it is absolutely necessary. For example, going to pick up an order that arrives. If I have to do a quick chore or turn off the oven. I try to delay as much as possible though so I don't ruin the game for the other players.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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I don't really leave a game in progress when it comes to matched multiplayer games... or raids on World of Warcraft. If I have to go to the toilet then I obviously just say ''brb bio'' or something other than that I don't. I always eat before I even go on the computer, even in the evenings... so unless some horrible accident would happen I try to avoid leaving. If one person leaves and you're stuck playing a game 4v5 you really ruin it for the rest and it isn't a nice thing to do - most games even ban for it.

But if it's a single player game then I just leave if I get bored, want to go outside or watch some television... or any other random reason. Leaving single player games doesn't matter since you can just save and begin from the saved point whenever.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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Well, I have the same problem here myself. It's hard for me to leave the game especially when I am on the climax of the game. My mom and my wife have a different way of stopping me or making me leave my addicting games. My mom always used her acting skills and act like she's experiencing a heart attack, therefore, I have no choice but run and comfort her to the point wherein I tried to bring her to the nearest hospital. On the other hand, my wife always used her body to seduce me like walking naked in front of me while I'm playing, dancing on my lap to the point that I'm getting aroused myself. If your man you know how I feel. These are the things that make me stop or leave the game momentum.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
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There was a time I got really far in a game and the save got corrupted and I was so angry and that made me quit it or when I forget to save and die and get put back really far. It really tilts me do I usually don't play it again for a really long time.

I'll be playing it definitely though after some time if I really like the game.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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I don't game a whole lot, so leaving my computer is not much of an issue for me. I'll generally put in two or three rounds of League of Legends on any given night and stop after a maximum of three games, regardless of how well I'm doing. Single player games I don't like to binge play anymore, so I'll generally play two or three missions or chapters before calling it good for the night and taking a break. When I was younger, I probably wouldn't have stopped playing unless I needed to go to the bathroom or eat as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2017
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Normally games that involve online matches are really difficult to leave, principally when you are addicted to the game, let's say League of Legends or Counter-strike. Some of the reasons that would make me leave are getting dinner with family, some family emergency or tilt.

Same I find it hard to leave games since they generally can't be paused. it seems that distractions appear only in the heat of the team games I play such as SMITE, Paladins, or RIFT. I have a hard time discerning time when playing, however, so "one more round" may become more!

Usually, I am called away by my parents, food or school work.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
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If I'm really immersed (I mean, really... :sweatsmile:) in the game that I'm playing at the moment, it's really tricky for me to leave the game until I reach my goal. :wink:


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
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I don't leave games. I always make it a point that I will finish a game before I vwould do something else because it's rude. With MOBA especially. Now I only stay online for about 1 hour max so there is no reason I should leave a game.


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Community Supervisor
Mar 16, 2016
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Self Control is the answer to everything.

Know your limits, don't exceed your limits, and don't overdue it. Simple rules to keep in mind that will help with you gaming. Also time management is much more easier when you play less MMO focused games and can actually pause and come back to something. MMO generally promotes usage for EXTENDED periods of time due to the constant "one more game mentality" that will result in long gaming periods of no breaks. Seen this happen with normal games, but less frequently.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
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I usually leave games when I have something else to do, since a lot of times when I'm gaming it's to fill up a certain amount of time, like while I'm waiting for the laundry machines to be done! My husband, on the other hand, has to be dragged away from his games. Usually he leaves when I'm finished making dinner and make him get up and come eat with me, haha.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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Work, need to eat, need to sleep; real world issues basically. And thankfully the games these days don't have the one-save-spot feature, but you can save anywhere you want and return to it whenever. I think it's great since you don't have to go to a checkpoint or save spot just to save your game, so you can start and pause anytime you want without having to lose any progress because you didn't have time to find a save spot.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
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It's always usually errands that make me leave a game, but I usually get really cranky afterward. I'm competitive in most of the games I play so you'll usually find me the PvP arenas or dungeons. I hate it so much when someone calls me for an errand while I'm in the middle of an intense clash with the opposite team/player. This happens like 40% of the time and it just pisses me off so much. I end up leaving the game and get called "coward" for "running" when I log back in.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
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Well, I have the same problem here myself. It's hard for me to leave the game especially when I am on the climax of the game. My mom and my wife have a different way of stopping me or making me leave my addicting games. My mom always used her acting skills and act like she's experiencing a heart attack, therefore, I have no choice but run and comfort her to the point wherein I tried to bring her to the nearest hospital. On the other hand, my wife always used her body to seduce me like walking naked in front of me while I'm playing, dancing on my lap to the point that I'm getting aroused myself. If your man you know how I feel. These are the things that make me stop or leave the game momentum.

You have.... quite an interesting life man. First off, yes I feel you and you did the right thing taking care of your mom, you'll never know when the real thing might be coming and *knocks on wood* I really hope nothing bad ever happens man. Next is your wife, quite interesting. I'd like to say that I feel you but my girl is also a gamer so usually when I'm playing something, she just plays some of her games instead to keep busy lmao.


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Jul 9, 2017
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In all honesty, I usually only stop playing when I feel nauseous / tired from staring at a screen and sitting still for hours on end. Otherwise, sneaking in a little bit here and there between obligations is nice, but is also probably a bad habit that I should break.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
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I am not one who plays games for hours on end so it is usually easy for me to leave a game. I don't find it painful at all really. Of course playing is more fun, but sometimes you just don't have a choice and you have to leave a game.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
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Typically if I'm in the middle of a very long gaming session I do some exercises every hour, which actually makes me able to go for even longer without feeling fatigued. I try to snack now and again during sessions as well, so ultimately tiredness or hunger aren't factors for me. Usually if I've cut off a planned gaming session, it's because I have to go help a family member with something or we have guests. I'm a introvert so I wouldn't even bother with guests, but I suppose I don't want to earn the reputation of a rude shut-in.

But if I'm playing an intense session of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which obviously cannot be paused, the only way I'm getting out of my chair is if someone is dying. Priorities, man.


Active Member
May 18, 2017
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It's not that hard for me to leave a game, I just play a few hours each day. I like it, I enjoy it, but I'm not "addicted" so I can leave anytime I get bored, of if I have something else important to do. Most of the time is my dog that ask to go out and he can be really persuasive, but I leave the game without problems.
In multiplayer games it's different, I don't usually leave before a match is over and if I do, I explain in the chat or voice chat and apologize, otherwise I'm worried it might seems like a ragequit or something like that.