• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. pauldox3

    What's your guilty pleasure video game?

    Definitely roblox. My friends laugh at me for playing a "child's game" and to be honest it's kinda getting on my nerves. But to be fair, to an outsider or someone who doesnt play roblox, the game really does look like a children's game but it really is more than that. It has infinite potential...
  2. pauldox3

    Moments in games where you just want to smash the controller

    Lag of course haha the bane of all gamers. There are times when not only do i want to smash my controller, but i'd also love to smash my head into the TV. Although i'd never do it cause my TV is hella expensive and it'll probably hurt so bad. Although I smashed a controller once by accidentally...
  3. pauldox3

    If you were stuck on an island and only could have one game, what would it be?

    It depends tho. Does it have electricity and a computer? Does it have internet connection? If it has electricity and a pc but not internet, then i'd say minecraft cause it has infinite replayability. If has electricity, computer, and inter connection the i'd prolly say Dota 2 or league of...
  4. pauldox3

    Hero that you hate playing with the most?

    I agree! bloodseeker can be quite annoying. Bloodrite deals so much damage specially in the early parts of the game. Rupture is one of the most annoying ultimates in the game. You get hit by that on a gank and there's not much you can do. Although i'd say that bloodseeker wayback dota 1 was more...
  5. pauldox3

    Do you love playing in VR?

    i wouldnt say love but i guess it's okay. I dont actually see myself playing it for like hours on end but i'd play it casually i guess. i always thought VR would be so damn awesome when i was a little kid and now that it's a reality i guess i'm a little bit underwhelmed. Also, the fact that i...
  6. pauldox3

    Hero that you hate playing with the most?

    I know right! The more annoying part is most of my mains are countered by invo which kinda sucks. That's why I make sure that I suggest banning Invoker every time. Invoker is also extra annoying when it's wex type. That emp blast is so cheap early game it's insane.
  7. pauldox3

    What are some good games you can play over and over again?

    I mostly play MOBAs but if it's excluding MOBAs and online games whos built for replayability then i'd prolly say fighting games like marvel vs capcom or street fighter. Racing games are nice to replay too. I used to play need for speed everyday for a month back when it was still cool.
  8. pauldox3

    Champion that you hate playing against the most?

    Who's the champion that you hate playing against the most? Personaly, i'd say mine's syndra. I just hate how she could one shot pretty much any mid laners post 6 and it doesnt really take that much effort for her to do it. I also hate playing against Malzahar as off the moment because he's super...
  9. pauldox3

    Hero that you hate playing with the most?

    Who do you hate playing with the most? Personaly, i'd say invoker. I just feel like he's really versatile and super hard to deal with. He also has tons of utility but at the same time he still has tons of damage. He's also super hard to kill. He's also strong all through out the game. He...
  10. pauldox3

    Last Game Played?

    Last game played played was batman arkham knight. It was awesome but wasnt as awesome as arkham asylum. I'm still trying to figure out what game to play next. Any suggestions OP?
  11. pauldox3

    Do you bet on games?

    Yeah i do! Betting on pro games is fun. Although i dont do it too often cause i only bet on games that i truly think will win but will still yield a considerable amount on the event thar my predictions came true. I dont like to bet on wildcarda tho it's too risky. I understand that betting could...
  12. pauldox3

    The Oldest Pc Game You've Ever Played?

    Probably pinball lol. I used to play it all the time during my computer classes cause it's the only game on the school computer. I also played minesweeper and i still play it ony my pc cause im so good at it lol. I was so good back then everyone at my class tried to beat my highscore and none of...
  13. pauldox3

    Favorite ranked role?

    My favorite role to climb the ladder with is prolly mid lane. I was silver way back season 2 (think it was 1500 more or less). I mained one champ which was anivia and i climbed the ladder real quick. By the end of season 3 i was already a challenger which was awesome. Today i'm at master...
  14. pauldox3

    Strained eyes while playing games

    I've read your distance from the monitor is also a huge factor in eye strain. I read that it has to be arm's length to prevent eye strain. Also i read that it has to be within above or below eye level. But ofcourse game times also pays a huge role. I used to play 9 hours a day and it ruined my...
  15. pauldox3

    Do you dream about your game?

    Not dreaming while sleeping but dreaming while awake. Sorta like fantasizing i guess. I do it all the time lol specially when i'm super bored.I usually dream about what if scenarios mostly in MOBA. Like what if i do this certain build, will I win? will it be effective? those kinds of stuff. I...
  16. pauldox3

    First game you bought?

    First game i bought with my own money was resident evil 4. I think it was around 30+ dollars at that time? idk i cant remember exactly. It was fun i finished it in 3 days. But the first game that i bought with my parent's money was crash bandicoot 1. Best money i've ever spent. Left me...
  17. pauldox3

    Favorite PC Game Genre?

    Probably MOBA cause i invested the most time and money on it and i feel like it's the most difficult to master because of how the game changes every few days or weeks. Moba is also my favorite because it's the genre that im best at. I also like fps but i feel like it doesnt have that much...
  18. pauldox3

    How often do you buy new games?

    I dont buy games often lol. I buy games around once every two months lol because i cheap as hell. I only buy games if it makes me curious or interested or if the hype is super strong. Although i buy super cheap games at steam lol. Sometimes i'll buy even more steam games during steam seasonal...
  19. pauldox3

    Thoughts on Micro-transactions

    i'm quite okay with micro transactions. I mean they invested so much time and money on the product so it's only common sense that they're gonna try to earn as much as they could from that product. i understand that alot of people doesnt like micro transactions but we still have to respect these...
  20. pauldox3

    How do you feel about the ranked games

    Ranked games are the only games i play, The way i see it is if you want to have decent teammates, then you'll have more chance finding them in ranked games cause just like you, pmost people are also trying to climb to the top. But yeah toxicity really is a thing regardless of what server you are...