• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Nicholas_Axiom

    One Wish

    Instructions Basically you make a wish, and the next person to comment will put their own twist to it and after make their own wish so someone can make a twist on theirs. Example : Bob : I wish for a million dollars! Joe : Granted, but it's Monopoly money. I wish to be taller! Bob : Granted...
  2. Nicholas_Axiom

    Would You Rather

    Would You Rather | Forum Game! Yep, it's the classic "Would You Rather" game. Answer the post above you then leave one deadly challenge for the next poor unsuspecting user. For the user answering the Would You Rather, tell us your choice, you can tell us why if you'd like and then on the bottom...
  3. Nicholas_Axiom

    The Never Ending Story

    How The Game Works I will start it off by saying a sentence and the person after must continue it, do that continuously. Rules 1. I get it you all like to be offensive, but keep it to a minimal. 2. If you pause the game, actually mention you are pausing it (Game Paused), (Game Unpaused), if the...
  4. Nicholas_Axiom

    Nicholas' LOA

    Since this is the new forums, I'll just slap this on down. Do to some actions I don't want to speak of at the current moment, I will be taking a long break from ASG. You might see me on teamspeak from time to time and you can talk to me then, but server-wise you will not see me till I come back...
  5. Nicholas_Axiom

    Hey, Wassup, Hello

    Hello everyone, you may or may not know me from ASG. If you do not I'm Nicholas, I haven't been with this community for as long as much people have, but I have been here long enough. The first ever server I joined was ASG HaloRP on October 26, 2015 with the intention of trolling and giving ASG...