• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Q

    Anybody own a Wii U?

    A new Wii console called the Wii U has come out. Anyone got it? A friend of mine has it and he really likes it. However, I'm skeptical. I don't like the Nintendo graphics very much, I think they're far behind. Look at the graphics on Xbox or PS3, for example. Compare those to Wii. Also the Wii U...
  2. Q

    What was the first PC game you ever played?

    The first PC game I ever played was called Midtown Madness. It was a game designed for Windows 98 (quite poor graphics). But, at the time, it was one of the best games...it was really fun! What was the first PC game you ever played...the very first one?
  3. Q

    Is Xbox Live Gold worth it any more?

    Xbox Live Gold costs £5.99 (let's call it, for the sake of argument, £6.00) a month. The main purpose of purchasing the Gold subscription is to play multiplayer games. However, developers such as Ubisoft are now making you buy a uPlay passport too. Therefore I pose the question...is Xbox Live...
  4. Q

    Have you ever made a game?

    The other day I made a very simple GUI Hangman game for Windows in C#. It fetched words off the internet via a feed (over 900 words in the list I believe). I am pleased to say that the game was functional and quite fun to play as well. :) Have any of you made a game before? Even a very simple...