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Which one of these horror/action titles is the better game and bargain?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2017
Reaction score
Ok, so Sony is doing their Sale of The Dead Week deals, and here are games I cannot decide upon. I will also list the price beside it for relevant advice.But basically what I am wondering is which of these should I take advantage of the most as the sale ends 10-31 & money is limited. Honest opinions?
  • Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition (PS4)- $4.99 normally listed at $19.99
  • Devil May Cry DMC: Definitive Edition (PS4)- $11.99 normally listed at $39.99
  • Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition (PS4)- $12.49 normally listed at $24.99

  • Alien: Isolation- The Collection (PS4)- $11.99 normally listed at $39.99
  • The Sexy Brutale (PS4)- $11.99 normally priced at $19.99

  • The Evil Within (PS4)- $9.99 normal price is $19.99
Out of all these options, what do you guys think is the wisest and more enjoyable purchases? I am actually looking for a decent game, so I would appreciate any and all of your opinions on these excellently marked off listings. Thanks!!