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When Gaming becomes an addiction


Active Member
May 21, 2017
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Gaming becomes an addiction when it's difficult without doing it daily. Something you're addicted to is anything you can't do without anymore on a daily basis. When it always occurs to you gaming as if you're seriously hungry, you should know you're already addicted to doing it.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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If you can't control yourself and all you want to do for your time is gaming, I believe that's addiction. Addiction is absolutely negative that may bring negative effects mentally and physically. It can also affect good relationship to others. If you're addicted to games, you forget everything including eating and sleeping. That's where mentally problem starts with. Lack of sleep can make your brain weak day by day. Not enough food may bring down your body healthy. Imagine how addiction can cause damage. We should put limitation also when it comes to gaming.

Khalil A

Active Member
Jul 17, 2017
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If you know how to manage things, you will never become addicted. In the same time, do not abuse, because life needs to be lived as a real life, not in a room, not a front of a computer. Doing multiple activities reduces the risk of going through addiction. Do not link your emotion to a game, I mean : Don't get angry and don't feel bad. These feelings are the main reason of addiction. What is fortunate is that time cure this addiction when you start working. But if you dropped your studies at the point of not finding a job, then it is a big loss in somehow.


Active Member
Jul 15, 2017
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I think that's something we all gamers have been through, mostly when we were teenagers. We had really easy routines and barely anything else to do than school. When I was at Highschool I used to play like 6 or 7 hours a day. When you grow up, go to college or get a job... I think you just start seeing gaming as a hobby. I can even spend a week without playing if I am really busy!


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2017
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I definitely agree, I feel like I spent most of my childhood years being addicted to games. What are some ways that you guys feel gaming addiction can be overcome (or at least managed)? Asking because I have a younger sibling right now that's spending an inordinate amount of time on the computer, and I don't like how my parents are just yelling/shaming him for playing games.
Remind them about exercise and try to do it with them. ofc homework, chores
Compare important things to gaming, like how we have many favorite (games/hobbies) and have balance our time in them to enjoy it.
Check out some health effects about blue light (lit screens in general) can mess up sleep if used right before bed, eye problems/headaches, but check the internet for better stats.
Good luck!