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What's your favorite item?


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
Reaction score
My favorite one since I start in League is the Statikk Shiv. It was so so great when you could get extra money with one part of the Shiv, I can't remember the specific name of it. What I love the most from this item it's the wave clear it has and that powerful crit when it's charged. I'm an ADC main so this is the item I always decide to buy, but there are some champions that don't fit or feel well with it, Miss Fortune for example, so I don't use it.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
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Prolly haunting guise. It's a cheap item if you want to have that early game powerspikw for mages that has a very strong base damage. Although hunting guise is not as effective for mages that scales super well with ability power, it's still pretty much viable especially if you're ahead and you want to secure you're position cause it give's a decent health boost which can really help you if you're aiming to give as much pressure on your lane as you can without having that much of a risk of being shutdown. Also, you'll have an option of building into liandry's if your oppenents decided to stack hp.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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Even though that I main top, I still enjoy playing mid and I have to say that my favorite item is the Zhonya's Hourglass. I absolutely love to buy it on certain champions like Kennen, ulting into them, using Zhonya's and the enemy being confused. Also, the hourglass is crucial if you're playing against a heavy AD team comp or assassins like Zed. Rushing the first piece of it is even good while laning :) I really love that it offers so much potential outplay if timed well.