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What is a "Good" Sniper?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2012
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I have been playing Call of Duty for many years now and got into sniping back in Call of Duty 4 and haven't stopped yet. These days it is all about how quick you can scope in a shoot, the "quick scope." I have even heard people recently on MW3 say it isn't a quick scope unless the kill cam is completely black when the shot is made (a black scope). However, I would like to go on my soap box for a minute.

Not trying to be cocky but I am a very good sniper, probably one of the better ones out there. I almost never get out sniped. I can quick scope across the map, I can hit my 360s most of the time, and I dont mind you rushing me with your gun because I know I will probably hit my shot before you can aim. However, this isn't why I consider myself a good sniper.

I have seen many people over the year that are good quick scopers, but they will never take there time to scope in and take a shot and when they actually do they miss. I think being a good sniper is knowing when you should scope in and when you should quick scope. Nothing frustrates me more than watching someone try to quick scope for the game winner in an SnD match and missing because they don't take their time.

So basically, I think a good sniper is not a quick scoper.... it is someone that can quick scope but can also make a clutch shot even if you are in the scope for a second or two.

Any thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I completely agree with you, I use to quick scope a lot and I was fairly good at it but I stopped for a while and I wasn't as good so I just began taking my time and sniping people. For me it doesn't matter how good it looks but if you killed your opponent or not.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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I completely agree with you they need to be able to make a good clean shot instead trying to show off.