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The Nexus 7 tablet....


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
So I'm really really looking to get a new tablet. The two I own are really outdated and no longer receive any type of OS updates so i'm looking for a newer one. However, i'm not sure if I want another Asus Transformer, simply because the tablet itself is around $300 then the keyboard dock is another $200, and I end up spending close to $600 after taxes on both. I'm not looking to spend that much on a tablet again. (I already own a 1st gen transformer + dock) so i'm looking at the Nexus 7 and iPad Mini as i'd like smaller tablets this time around. Does anyone own a Nexus? If so, how are you liking it? I'm torn between this and the iPad. The OS doesn't matter to me as I like both iOS and Android and can use both without problems. That being said i'm not sure.......I can get a larger Nexus (32GB) cheaper then the smallest iPad mini but eh.......what would you do?