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Paladin$'s Incident Report #1

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Protto Virus Protection *Scam Artist*
Dec 22, 2016
Reaction score
Monday, 03-06-17
Users: Fry, Tomboy
Fry's mic was pretruding a echo of the TS and was hurting everyone in the lobby. Tomboy decided to assign Fry a Channel Banned tag and left him in the lobby. I moved him into his own channel to ask to either if he was there or if he could mute his mic. I then moved him back into lobby and removed his channel banned tag and sent him back to his channel. After that i asked why he was doing it when he was there and he said he had no clue it was happening.

Thursday, 03-09-17
Users: Meddikai, Charger
Me and Gray noticed that User Meddikai had an avatar of a swastika. Gray then proceeded to remove the avatar and poke him a verbal warning to not do it again. He then used another avatar that contained a picture of a penis, which then me and Gray decided to join the channel and talk. Meddikai proceeded saying as if nothing was wrong. We then told him to not do it again and assigned him his warning tag #1. He then decided that him and Charger would join the channel that me and Gray went back into to ask why Meddikai was assigned a warning tag. We then said that it was a violation of the teamspeak rules and thus we gave him his warning tag. He then said to Gray why he had Oberfuhrer in his name and started saying that it was racist against jews. Shortly after, Gray timed out and i was left in there with them. During the time, someone started chanting "Fuck TS Staff". I told them to stop and then soon enough did. After all of it, Sparks came on and talked with Meddikai, thus ending this.

Small things: Gave Network User tag to user "Xyro"
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