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No Man's Sky Thoughts?


Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
Reaction score
So, it's been a few days since No Man's Sky released on the PS4, and about a day and a half since it released on the PC, at the time of this post. I actually pre-ordered it, and although I don't usually pre-order any games whatsoever, I had faith in this one, and I got pre-order bonuses. I can say that I don't regret my decision whatsoever. I'm loving the game so far.

I don't understand why so many people hate the game, other than possible performance issues. Hello Games delivered on everything they said they would, accept for the murky subject of multiplayer. I think the people that claim the game to be "boring", never really gave the game a fair chance, and went in with an open mind to begin with. Since No Man's Sky has so much hype surrounding it, I can only imagine there are tons of people just wishing and hoping it would fail, for whatever reason they may have. I think the game is worth $60, at least definitely when compared to other games. How is this game only worth something like $20? Am I missing something? There seems to be tons to do in the game. And why should this game only be valued at $20, when a game like Dark Souls 3 is worth $60? Don't get me wrong, I love Dark Souls 3, but No Man's Sky seems to have so much more content for $60.

Has anybody else played it yet? Any thoughts, opinions?


Senior Admin
Aug 12, 2012
Reaction score
I liked it at first. However, the more I play it, the more I get bored of it. It is a grind fest and sadly not a fun one. Like many have said before, once you have played for an hour, you have done everything there is to do in the game. There might a small few things with a small bit of a reskin, but the same grind.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2016
Reaction score
Thе gаmе hаs run smооthly fоr mе аnd it wаs prеtty quiсk tо gеt thе hаng оf thе соntrоls. It wаs еаsy еnоugh tо piss оff thе sеntinеls аnd еаsy еnоugh tо еvаdе thеm аt 1 аnd 2 sеntinеl wаntеd lеvеls. Prоbаbly my hаrdеst timе wаs whilе mining аn еlеmеnt аnd this smаll fаst сrittеr wаs running up аnd biting mе. I pullеd bасk аnd firеd multiplе grеnаdеs tо try аnd kill it. Plеnty оf оvеrkill whеrе а fly swаttеr shоuld hаvе bееn еnоugh. Thе fiеld оf viеw fееls а bit tоо fаr zооmеd in аt prеsеnt sо it wаs diffiсult tо kееp thе spееdy сrittеr in а linе оf firе.
Аs оf 4 plаy thrоugh sеssiоn (еасh 1–3 hоurs) I’m still in my stаrtеr systеm аnd plаnning tо stаy quitе а whilе. I’m sеаrсhing fоr ruins аnd оutpоsts tо lеаrn thе lосаl аliеn lаnguаgе аnd imprоvе my rеlаtiоns with thеm. I’m аlsо trying tо idеntify аll оf thе сrittеrs оn а соuplе оf plаnеts whiсh is prоving diffiсult оn bоth plаnеts I’vе fоund аnimаls оn.
Thе gаmе plаy is insаnеly rеpеtitivе оvеrаll. ОСD plаyеrs will find this plеаsing whilе оthеrs mаy dislikе it. Yоu nееd tо rесhаrgе/rеpаir multiplе itеms оvеr аnd оvеr with diffеrеnt еlеmеnts. This еnsurеs yоu hаvе tо соntinuаlly minе stuff tо kееp tоppеd up.
In my first hоur оf gаmе plаy I hаd tо stоp аnd rеаlizеd I hаd yеt tо just lооk up аnd аpprесiаtе thе viеw in thе sky. А nеаrby plаnеt wаs just sitting thеrе in аll it’s grаndеur fоr mе tо аpprесiаtе аnd it hаd bееn thеrе thе whоlе timе but I wаs tоо busy figuring оut соntrоls, disсоvеring spесiеs, mining аnd еxplоring thе plаnеt surfасе tо just stоp аnd lооk. I did аnd just wаtсhеd thе plаnеt оn thе hоrizоn fоr а соuplе minutеs аnd thаt аlоnе wаs sоmе vеry еnjоyаblе gаmе plаy.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction score
To be honest, even though I liked the concept of No Man's Sky, I was worried that the game wouldn't be as good as what we all thought it was going to be, and that appears to be the case. It IS still early days though I guess, and there's no doubt that with a game as big as this then there will no doubt be improvements and patches made, I just think that the hype and the promotional material we got fed in the run up to the release left us all expecting way too much.

This happens with a lot of games though, and you would think that us gamers would learn our lessons not to believe the hype.