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How to make a WaW gpd/bind


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
First, lets start off with some use-able binds to add modifications to.

BUTTON_START [start button]
BUTTON_BACK [back button(across from start)]
BUTTON_RSHLDR [Right bumper]
BUTTON_RTRIG [right trigger]
BUTTON_LTRIG [left trigger]
BUTTON_RSTICK [right analog stick click]
BUTTON_LSTICK [left analog stick click]
DPAD_DOWN [dpad down]
DPAD_UP [dpad up]
DPAD_LEFT [dpad left]
DPAD_RIGHT [dpad right]

Now, how to add a mod to one of these binds... You would type bind [bind you want here] "[command/dvar]"
Say we want to add the function of...Give all weapons to left on the dpad, we would make it...
bind DPAD_LEFT "give all"
Now say we want to also make it say something when we "give all"...
bind DPAD_LEFT "give all; say ^TheGamingDB is THE BEST!
...You add a semicolon, then add the next command.
You can also add DVARs into this, simply by putting the dvar, then a space, then the value...
bind DPAD_LEFT "cg_fov 80"
That would set the field of view value to 80.
Now, whenever you want to change the bind your working with, just add a semicolon and just type,bind [bind you want here] "[command/dvar]
***Now, say that you want it that whenever you click a button, it will change the value of a certain dvar, this is how it would look...
bind DPAD_UP "toggle g_gravity 100 400 800"
Simply adding the word 'toggle' before the dvar, will make it change between values...where you would normally put the dvars value, you would now make each value you want to be included in the 'toggle' separated by spaces.

That is most of what you need to know for making your very own GPD...

Here are some common commands/dvars used in GPD's... (values for dvars shown as x)...

noclip [no clip]
god [God mode]
ufo [ufo mode]
say your text [shows what you want on screen]
jump_height x [alters games jump height]
bg_falldamagemaxheight x
bg_falldamageminheight x
player_sustainAmmo x [Unlimited ammo when host]
scr_xpscale x [The scale of XP in a game when host]
give defaultweapon_mp [Gives the Default Weapon]
give dogs_mp [Gives dogs]
g_compassshowenemies [Always on radar]
ui_allow_teamchange x [allows team change in ranked games]
xblive_privatematch x [If a game is a private match or not (0 to make a private match into ranked game)]
fast_restart [restarts the game(some mods need to be activated this way)]
timescale x [The games speed]
g_gravity [The games gravity (default is 800, low is 100)

There ya go


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
If you want I can help you with getting even more mods.