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Fry's Ban Appeal

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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
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Teamspeak Name: Vice President Fry (ussualy) However I got banned when I had the name LameAdamDatesYoungXemes

Teamspeak UID (User ID): zV8pOK0eCBasTH/KITtr+uC5cM8=

How long were you banned for?: 1 Hour

Who was the person that banned you?: @Lady Xionix

What is the exact ban reason stated?: Impersonation of Staff

Why should you be unbanned?: Well I will first start off explaining the incident. Earlier in the day I was talking to @Fallenpyro418 (Sparks) and @MLG Bot Urlic (Katz) in TS. We got onto the topic of impersonating staff. We figured out that technically we can impersonate users so I was trying to figure out a user I could impersonate then I though of Lady (I know she isn't just a TS user just wait). This brought memories of when I had the name Lady Y as a meme. I made a joke name like Lady X backwards. Then I came up with some other ones. Lady got on told me to change them I did. So I was Young Female Xylophone. I thought I could think of an abbreviation for her name as a joke. I came up with the name "LameAdamDatesYoungXemes" (Xemes are some animal I googled) for I think maybe a minute at most (I don't have logs) I put (LADYX) at the end of it. I then REMOVED it because I realized that I was breaking the rules. So I changed it and then maybe a few seconds later I got banned. Probably because she was typing in the ban reason as I had the LADYX in it. I should be unbanned because I realized what I did was wrong and tried changing it as soon as I did. I apologize for this, and I realize what I did was wrong.

--EDIT-- Lady as added another reason onto this ban as I was writing it. She added "Fry - Impersonation of Staff, Disrespect/Harrassment - 1 Hour. Lady" Which I do not understand as I did not harass anyone or disrespect anyone.

--2ND EDIT-- I wasn't given a warning for Disrespect/Harrassment so there was no way I could've known what I was doing wrong.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
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I would be very appreciated if I could at least get an answer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2016
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Locking cause ban over
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