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Do you play Final Fantasy X?


Active Member
Jun 20, 2017
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Final Fantasy X it's been released early on in the PlayStation 2's development cycle, this game is a true masterpiece of gaming. For its time, there is no other title that can parallel it, and right now, it stands at the pinnacle of RPGdom. Future games may come along to knock it from its perch, but as it stands, there is little else out there to rival its balance of story and gameplay, its richly constructed world, its variety of minigames, stunning graphics, and beautiful sound.
Do you still play this game?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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I didn't play any FF games but I did play Kingdom Hearts 2, which had a lot of FF characters in them. I couldn't play FF because the thought of having 10+ titles in their franchise sounds incredibly exhausting and I'd rather not play one after another just so I could play the more recent ones. I was just a lazy player and the thought of having to buy (and play) a lot of games in a franchise that may have repetitive combat and gameplay wasn't so appealing to me.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
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Out of all the games in the Final Fantasy series, the only two that I played were Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X. While I played a bit of both of them, I never finished either of the two. It honestly just seems that Final Fantasy isn't my cup of tea. I don't have a problem with the gameplay or anything, but there is just something about the lore and setting that doesn't tickle my fancy. I can see why others would like it, but I myself will probably never be a real fan.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2017
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I haven't finished this game either Denis, I do play from time to time when I finish all my library of games from steam or my PC and I don't have what to play anymore. You are right it may not attract too many players, it just may fill an empty space!
Thank you for your answer to my post!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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Did you try playing the remastered HD version? It looks pretty sweet on the PS4 and I think it's still on sale... worth the money, 100%.

I don't play the FFX anymore because I've finished it like twice or three times. It is a really good game. It is in the top 5 from the Final Fantasy franchise. I loved everything about it. From the environment to the characters, to the dialogue which sometimes resulted in cringe, the way story unravels... I won't tell you what happens since you still didn't finish it but be prepared to be shocked ;) I'd recommend it to people that haven't played it yet. You can invest many hours into it.


Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
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Final Fantasy X is one of those polarizing titles. I could not disagree more. It is not a masterpiece, it's a testament to one dimensional character design, horrid voice acting made all the more heartbreaking by the fact that the usually amazing Billy West was involved, and meaningless pulp that surrounds the main action. The leveling system was needlessly convoluted. The battle system was sturdy, I'll give it that. But it wasn't a step forward. It did nothing to justify its existence int he form of meaningful innovation.

And I HATE Blitzball.