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Developer's do not care about Wii U specs


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Why is it that hard core Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 gamers won't play or buy the Wii U because of the so called terrible bandwagon of the Nintendo Wii? Is it about the graphics? Is it about the hardware inside of the system? Is it about the amount of boring titles that it may or may not have had? Is it because there was no challenge to the games? What is it?

Now it seems like all of these gamers on the bandwagon can only find the terrible things about the Wii U. Everyone claims that they will not buy the Wii U because it acts the same exact way as the PS Vita! Really? Wii U fans can say anything and everything to try to convince a non-Nintendo gamer that the Wii U will be the best of the consoles but it will never work. The new specs for the system, the new online features it has, the upcoming 3rd party titles; nothing will work.

But it seems like a design director, John Nash, from Blitz Game Studios' has stated that from a developer's perspective, the power of the new console is becoming irrelevant.

Nash stated:

"It's very easy for people to get hung up on hardware specs and technical specs. It's great to have a massive processor that's got a graphics pipeline that uses DX11, but what people need to focus on particularly for games going forward, is, what kind of experience can you build in the space of possibility afforded by the hardware in terms of features? Not in clock cycles. Does it connect out to the internet well? Does it connect to mobile well? How does it connect to your other friends and involve them in that experience? That's where games are moving forwards.

Nintendo's approach is to say, we're going to package that other screen with the console straight out of the box so there's nothing to worry about and the developers have a stable platform, whereas maybe the other platform holders are saying, maybe we're going to involve other devices. That will bring another set of problems. Sony and Microsoft will go toe to toe again as they have done on this rev. They will do the same on the next one. Nintendo are doing something different.

It's not about beating everyone else in a surface shader processing clock speed war. That's not what they're about. They're about saying, we've got this great roster of IP, all these great characters, how do we build a piece of cost-effective hardware - they're a business, they've got to make profit - that will allow our players, our very loyal Nintendo players, to interact with this IP and great worlds and characters in a new way?

If you think about the Wii U in that light, suddenly it makes a huge amount of sense. Suddenly we're going to be able to explore the world of Zelda and Mario in a new way with our friends. And that's the rationale behind that platform. It's not a gunning war in terms of hardware. As soon as you do that, you start to think about the games in a different way. You start to get excited about what it affords you as a game designer, and players should get very excited about it as well."
