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Are Games good for you! (Short Article I wrote on Games)


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2017
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Many people believe games are good for you which is somewhat true in an extend. Many games now days have violence them influencing other people more important teenagers and young adults to think violence is OK if its not a game. Games have changed over years from PAC-MAC, Mortal Kombat to GTA (Grand theft auto) and Call Duty and many more that are more famous today compared to puzzles games or mind games that help a person's mind grow. So I have a question on this article do you think violence games are influencing our young generations or do you thinks games are good or bad for a person. Now that they are other games in the world the influences violence games such as action FPS on any game system don't you think it is time the we reduce the hours we play such games?
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Active Member
May 9, 2017
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There is a saying that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." With that premise, it is obvious that man invented games so he would enjoy life and not be confined to just working and eating and sleeping. Even when we were young before the digital age, there were the traditional kid's games that we played on the streets. And as technology advanced, like the pinball machine is now digital, man is given more choices when it comes to games which are now called computer games and later on apps. I'd say that games is not only good for me but for mankind in general.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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There is a saying that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

Quoting a Stanley Kubrick film to make your point, brownie points for you, sir!

I agree though, I think that games can certainly be good for you. The thing to keep in mind is the variety of types of games that are available. Strategy and puzzle games can be incredibly beneficial to developing critical thinking and thought processes in individuals, especially younger developing people. I've also heard that console games can increase hand-eye coordination among those who play them, which can be a plus.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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My opinion is that everything we do influences us in a way. Denying that is pointless and every single thing has good and bad sides. The same is with games.

I think that as long as you don't let your child play the most violent and scary games at a very young age or let them play for too long (set a schedule while they're young and have to obey you), you shouldn't worry too much about the bad sides of games. Games actually reduce stress among other things.

Instead of worrying about bad influence of games, we should worry about increasing rate of criminal, drugs and so on. Games are harmless compared to what's going on everywhere else in the world.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2017
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I agree on everything you guys say on a way but when I was writing this article I was focusing on Younger Teens and kid their brain thinks when they grow up. Also thank you guys for reading my article it means a lot


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Oct 13, 2014
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I think it does depend on the age of the person playing, and also on the game's content. Vivid, graphic, violence is probably not the best thing for young people. Isn't that why they have ratings?

On the other hand, not all games are like that. There are even studies that show that gaming does have benefits, like better hand-eye coordination.

I also think a lot can be learned from multiplayer games, like learning how to interact with others. Teamwork and team-building are good too. Challenging games lend themselves to problem solving skills.

Like anything else, gaming has its own pros and cons.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
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Yes I think games are actually for everyone. I usually play games during my spare time and so I can say that this is a hobby for me. As far as violent games are concerned I don't think that those games actually makes people aggressive. Normally those people are born like that and we cannot blame video games. On the other hand there are other games which helps develop the critical thinking skills of individuals.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
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I agree that video games affects us in good and bad ways. The good is that games keeps us engaged and our brains active. On the other side, our body is inactive and does not really get the proper exercise it needs. You say that video games, due to games getting more violent, influences youths and children to think that 'violence is OK if its not a game'. Video games are not the sole reason for this. Many Kids grew up playing violent video games and did they grew up violent? no. If you say video games causes violence in behavior of children and youth, then could we not blame media as well? Movies, Music Videos, Cartoons depicting violence are also to blame. Could we not also blame the environment due to violence? If you feel that children/youth should cut their hours in playing violent games then that is just a band aid solution to a problem. Most teenager/young adult/children are connected to the internet. The internet is easily accessible and they could do much worse in cyberspace than playing video games.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
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I believe that games fuel creativity for the future generations. No matter how violent the game is, it does not make it a great game if the overall plot/story sucks. The gore is just a bonus for me, because it makes you feel a bit more of the game, just like how you expect a horror movie to scare the living hell out of you when you start watching it for the first time. Violence is not a necessity for a good game, but a good game will not be afraid to step outside the usual boundaries.

prasanna kumar

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May 8, 2017
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Its true , especially the present day games are so mush different from the older games, not just violence but many adult based games are also being released into the market which are accessible to children of all ages. So these kinds of games are found affect the CTC and mental behavior of people specifically to children . So its best to limit ourselves and our children from becoming gaming addicts.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2017
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Sorry all if my article didn't make some sense I saw my grammar a bit there
I agree that video games affects us in good and bad ways. The good is that games keeps us engaged and our brains active. On the other side, our body is inactive and does not really get the proper exercise it needs. You say that video games, due to games getting more violent, influences youths and children to think that 'violence is OK if its not a game'. Video games are not the sole reason for this. Many Kids grew up playing violent video games and did they grew up violent? no. If you say video games causes violence in behavior of children and youth, then could we not blame media as well? Movies, Music Videos, Cartoons depicting violence are also to blame. Could we not also blame the environment due to violence? If you feel that children/youth should cut their hours in playing violent games then that is just a band aid solution to a problem. Most teenager/young adult/children are connected to the internet. The internet is easily accessible and they could do much worse in cyberspace than playing video games.
Yeah I understand what you mean I wasn't trying to say everyone who plays Violent video games end up bad i am saying sometimes it is the case that it become real like some games are good some games are bad


Active Member
May 21, 2017
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I play games often both indoors and outdoors and find it fun and exciting. I can't even afford not playing games once in three days, not because I'm addicted to it, but because I find a lot of excitement in playing it. When I have no assignment to work upon, I switch to my favorite games.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
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Like many things, video games have their pros and cons. They have many benefits like promoting your creativity and problem-solving skills. This is true though, many promote violence as well. I think it's a matter of balance and awareness of what you're playing. And of course, parents should always be aware of what their kids are playing. You can have fun with video games without having intense violence in them. That's what's great about them, they offer a huge variety to choose from.


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Community Supervisor
Mar 16, 2016
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I think you all forget we have a rating system for a reason.

It is physically impossible to purchase certain games without giving age verification or ID.

A lot of people tend to only buy games online now for that reason as simply just lying about your age will grant you access to these titles, but it is not the companies fault because a lying 10 year old decided to purchase a horror game and saw what screwed up stuff can happen to someone.

Companies shouldn't be put at fault for the content they create. They make content of any graphical nature (from farm simulators to shooters) and they release it with a rating from governments that the people need to interpret. It is comparable to movie ratings which are a great way of keeping away those who are not fit to see a particular movie. You have Restricted rated games for adults (18+) and less graphical movies for those 13+ and 8+.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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It's been proven that gamers have faster decision making in situations because of the multitude of decision making in games. They also have faster reflexes and can think faster because playing a game requires constant response to the game, as well as thinking of ways to beat the game would have your brain working even with simple ones. Sure it's a bit like giving credence to playing hours on the computer or wasting your time in the company of video games, but they do have their ups and downs as well.


Active Member
May 21, 2017
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Yes, games are really good for me whenever I wish to play. I do have holidays once in a blue moon and enjoy it making fun with my family, children, my wife and friends. Games are so exciting that I have varieties of video games both at home and in the office.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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Games are good for me because it definitely relieves me from stress and burns out. It also develops my strategic and analytical skills. Playing games also make my mind alive.Games already part of my life wherein I can't erase and throw. Gaming makes me a better person.