• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Westerlies

    The Unfinished Swan

    Here's a link the the official trailer for the game. It might show you a better representation than what I'm saying. It is very artistic so it is a relaxing game that is different than most games I play. It starts off completely white. you can't see anything because there is nothing to see...
  2. Westerlies

    Are you more likely to play Minecraft alone or with others?

    I am a fairly new player to Minecraft so I was wondering what everyone here prefers; Do you play Minecraft solo or with a partner more often? Do you want to play with siblings, but they aren't interested? Do you just want to build impenetrable fortresses but your little brother keeps destroying...
  3. Westerlies

    What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game?

    I love the new game! I feel like I play it so often, yet I see stuff online where people are so far ahead of me and I didn't know half of the secrets this game holds. I do enjoy trying to solve the puzzles at shrines. Breath of the Wild is definitely an amazing addition to the series. My...
  4. Westerlies

    The Unfinished Swan

    Has anyone ever played this game? The Unfinished Swan has been described as an interactive children's book and that's the feel I got from it as well. It was an adorable yet kind of sad story. The whole kingdom coming to life when you splat ink on everything in the first few levels was innovative...
  5. Westerlies

    Do You Use Cheat When Playing Game?

    If I have played far enough into a game and it starts to get a little dull, sometimes it is fun to cheat a little bit. Unlimited money in Sims by entering rosebuds or kaching. Unlimited free bullets in Fallout 4 if you do a certain trick with a certain ammo dealer. Turning a stolen item in...
  6. Westerlies

    How often do you preorder games?

    I only pre-order games that I absolutely know that I want to play. I have watched their gaming trailers, and any gameplay videos that have come out for them and know that it looks like what I want. Most of the time if I get a game pre-ordered, I have played a previous installment of the game. If...
  7. Westerlies

    Which is/was your nobody-else-like-it game?

    Hmmm.. I think for me, it was World of Warcraft. While all my friends were very much into Runescape and Counter-Strike, I was playing WoW and having the best time. They would poke fun at my favorite game being the MMORP while I was playing along side them in Counter-Strike, but that didn't stop...
  8. Westerlies

    Last Game Played?

    The last game that I played was Fallout 4. It's still such a great game after being out for almost 2 years. There's so much to find in the game, especially if you don't look online for hints and clues. My favorite thing is coming across easter eggs even when I've logged hours upon hours into the...
  9. Westerlies

    What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game?

    Damn, you did master that game! The original is a classic, and nothing truly can beat a classic. I could spend hours playing it and getting lost far more than I care to admit. I don't think I ever mastered it, but if I could go back now and play it, I think I could do it. Have you ever looked...
  10. Westerlies

    What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game?

    From the original The Legend of Zelda (1986) to the latest in the series Breath of the Wild (2017), there have been eighteen games released under the franchise. Each time you are pitted against the evil Ganon. Most times you are trying to rescue Princess Zelda. Whichever game you pick up, it's a...
  11. Westerlies

    Nintendo Switch - is it worth it?

    For me the Nintendo Switch is worth it. I was gifted one for my birthday but I was actively searching for one before. I use it everywhere and I think that's what's so exciting about it. I can pick up the game and go outside. I can go camping and bring it along and help entertain my niece. I take...
  12. Westerlies

    What games do you currently play?

    I'm playing so many games right now it seems. On Playstation 4 I'm playing Fallout 4 which is set in post-apocalyptic Boston and incorporates various types of gaming. Also on Playstation 4 I will play Battlefront which is a Star Wars themed first person shooter game. On the Playstation 3 I will...
  13. Westerlies

    [POLL] Android or iOS

    I have had both iOS and Android mobile phones and I think that Android beats out iOS in gaming. I'd base that off of three components of Android phones. The battery life is longer than Apple products so you can play longer. The screens on Androids are usually more shatterproof so you can see the...
  14. Westerlies

