• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. COD

    What Was Your Favorite Mission in Vice City?

    If you've read a few of my posts already in this area of the forum, you may know that my favorite GTA title is Vice City. I was curious about what everyone's favorite missions were, because Vice City has some of the best of the GTA series. One of my favorites is Sir, Yes Sir, where you need to...
  2. COD

    What's Your Favorite GTA Title?

    I'm pretty sure that I've played every one of the GTA titles, except for the latest (GTA 5), and in my opinion, I think that Vice City was easily the best one.There is just something about the game that the others don't seem to have. I also like the cars, fashion, voices, and music. And the...