• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Zalaria

  1. Zalaria

    PS2 Do You Still Own A PlayStation 2?

    Yup yup, I have the normal sized ps2 and the smaller version, which is kinda wonky at reading discs though. And I will play games on it from time to time.
  2. Zalaria

    What's your favorite Smash Bros game?

    For those who haven't played this gem of a game, go play it. PLAY IT NOW. You won't regret it. I instantly became a fan of the Smash series after playing the first game for the N64 with my two sisters. We would sit on the couch for hours on end beating the pixels out of each other xD Good...
  3. Zalaria

    Favorite games for the SNES.

    Oh god here comes the nostalgia... -Super Mario All-Stars: for the sake of having just about every mario game that I love. Plus it had the "Lost Levels". -Super Mario World: Okay now technically I didn't own this for the SNES, but I have played it on the Wii, and boy, what a great game it...
  4. Zalaria

    Any osu! players out there?

    So I'm curious if anyone here plays this amazing free-to-play rhythm game. It's super addictive and I never thought I would get so into it like I have now. My older sis introduced me to osu! way back in 2012, but I didn't actually make an account until 2013. After trying (and failing) many...
  5. Zalaria

    Who uses a laptop for gaming?

    I've used a laptop for gaming for quite some time now, though a long time ago I used an old dying desktop hahaha. As far as gaming is concerned, I don't really play anything graphically intensive on my laptop.
  6. Zalaria

    Game you can't stop playing

    Is it weird that I have yet to play Minecraft? ;~;
  7. Zalaria

    Game you can't stop playing

    Yes yes a thousand times YES! I LOVE this game! I had to take an unfortunate 5-month hiatus due to my old dell laptop croaking on me, so then my sis decided to let me use her old laptop until I can buy a new one. And now that I'm back into osu! I can't stop! It's the 6+ hours a day addiction all...
  8. Zalaria

    Favorite PS1 or PS2 games

    Oh god the Spyro Trilogy was my childhood. And still to this day I will play them and enjoy them just as much as I did back when I was a kid. But then you also have games like Chrono Cross and Legend of Dragoon (which is possibly my most favorite rpg of all time).
  9. Zalaria

    What's your favorite Gameboy games/s.

    Along with the pokemon series, definitely Golden Sun and its sequel. I didn't really play much else on my GBA SP back then.
  10. Zalaria

    Pokemon Games

    Damn, when was the last time I played pokemon... I use to play Gold back in the days, even with some glitchy-as-hell moments when battling with my older sister. The fight with Red remains one of the best battles to this day. And let's not forget that awful roadblock that was Whitney...
  11. Zalaria

    Who Even Plays Their Nintendo Wii?

    I wish I had Smash Bros Brawl (or even a 3DS for the new smash game), but yeah I use to play the crap out of my Wii with Mario Galaxy and Monster Hunter Tri. It's a bummer the servers got shut down though, I had so much fun playing with other hunters online.
  12. Zalaria

    What's a game you'd like to see remade?

    If anything from my childhood could be remade with the same nostalgic quality, it would be the original Spyro trilogy. I have all three games and have yet to fully complete any of them, but if they were to get a remake, it would be stellar.
  13. Zalaria

    Hello everyone!

    I'm new here and I can't wait to see what this community is like! I'm a gamer gal myself and possibly a hopeless gaming addict at that xD Currently I have been getting back into a free-to-play online rhythm game called osu! Anywho, I am very much excited to be a part of this gaming community!