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Recent content by tingavai

  1. tingavai

    Mario Nintendo's Only Money Maker?

    Mario and Pokemon were the two biggest moneymakers from Nintendo, so big their revenues can be compared to some big companies in the gaming industry, each time a new title was introduced, it made banks, literal banks, now, with the launch of Switch and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Legend...
  2. tingavai

    Does Anyone Still Play This Game

    I hadn't played Diablo III for long enough a time to say about it, only until level 10 of my character and suddenly I lost all of my interest in it. Then I quitted, it has been quite some time, such a shame considering I was one big fanboy of Diablo II, have been playing it since 2004, the first...
  3. tingavai

    How desperate are you for gaming?

    I love playing games, but it's not like I am that desperate, usually I keep my playing in a controllable manner, then again every once in a while there will be a game that break through my defense and completely take control over me for some time, during that time I can't think of anything other...
  4. tingavai

    Do you rather play alone? Or with friends?

    When I want some relaxing and fun times, I play normal with my friends and we just kind of bicker throughout the game, it's really fun, trolling the shit out of each other, I still remember my best friend using Tahm Kench to devour me, the adc, and then dropped me in front of their whole team, I...
  5. tingavai

    Rpg, Yes Or No?

    I have been playing Diablo II since the first time I was introduced to it back in 2004, it has been more than 13 years and I still remember the feeling in my gut, I remember being guided step by step by my big brother, telling me how to move my mouse, which character was the best, how to use the...
  6. tingavai

    What are your thoughts about Rakan?

    Rakan is a good champion when you need to make plays, he is the ultimate playmaker, his kit reflect that fact clearly, specially his ultimate, he can charm the whole enemy team with it if he chose the right position to engage, and I still haven’t started on his W, which when was used along with...
  7. tingavai

    Which Champion Is Currently The Most Broken?

    From my experience these last few days, I believe it should be Jarvan IV, he was, simply put, ridiculously strong and at the same time ridiculously tanky, specially after finishing his full build, it is absurd how he can finish me, an ad carry, with an ult and two simple auto attacks, then turn...
  8. tingavai

    A Greeting To You All

    Hello, My name is Thien, a regular 21 years old student from Vietnam, it is a pleasure to be able to join you all on this magnificent forum. Words cannot describe my overwhelming feeling when I was accepted as a proud member of this community, please look after me. Now that I have completed all...