• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by thefratman

  1. thefratman

    When did you think Call of Duty lost its way?

    I'd argue it was after Modern Warfare 2 that the series started stagnating, especially with the Black Ops spinoffs. That was when the games started becoming copy-paste with a new gimmick added to give a false sense of novelty.
  2. thefratman

    Xbox 360 Did your Xbox 360 freeze if you played too long?

    When I actually used it, I never got the RROD. Only times I remember my 360 freezing are when internet play decided it didn't like me.
  3. thefratman

    Fallout 3 player beats the game in less than 15 minutes

    I always find it hilarious how speedruns break in-game logic. "I'm going to go to the final area of the game without doing anything else and the plot will magically skip there despite having left the Vault less than 10 minutes ago."
  4. thefratman

    How do you buy your games?

    Depends heavily. If it's a game I can't find physical, I go digital with no worries. I can live with a mixed library in this fashion.
  5. thefratman

    The Last Game You Lost Sleep Over

    Fire Emblem Fates is ridiculously addicting. As in, "play until 1 AM" addicting. Thankfully I haven't set aside my duties to play it for that long but nothing else in recent years has made me do that.
  6. thefratman

    What are some good games you can play over and over again?

    Oblivion is one of those games I love replaying because of the wealth of options I have to make my character, do the story and play the rest of the game. And that's not even counting the game breaking exploits.
  7. thefratman

    Can everyone here agree that aiming using the analog sticks was a pain?

    I personally never had a problem with analog stick aiming. Though I've never played Code Veronica so maybe that's a very particular case, in which case I don't blame you.
  8. thefratman

    What summer release are you the most excited for?

    By technicality, the one game I'm highly interested in at the moment(which I'm sure I'll draw ire for, please don't flame me) comes out in summer. That being Federation Force, in August.
  9. thefratman

    Worst Game Ever Played?

    Sonic 06. The internet has collectively beat the dead horse that is that game into the ground, but at it's core, so awful in execution. You could even finish the game early with a few sequence breaks. Such a waste of money.
  10. thefratman

    Should I just Skip the Wii U?

    The Wii U as is has a few gems in it's arguably niche market like Xenoblade X, Splatoon, Bayonetta 2 and obviously Smash Bros. Though with the new console supposedly around the corner, I think you could totally hold off on the system.
  11. thefratman


    I'm Fratman. Huge Nintendo fan, but I like the other consoles too. Hope to interact with y'all a good ton. :)