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Recent content by ponyoworks

  1. ponyoworks

    Sports Games

    A couple years ago I won my cousin's friends fantasy league for a few hundred dollars (got lucky). I spent all the money on a PS4, im a pc guy, and madden. I played the shit out of madden 15, and now some madden 17. Any other games i rather get for my PC and if PC offered madden I would probably...
  2. ponyoworks

    Who's your favorite pro player?

    Bandwagon or not, Faker has proved himself to be the best of the best over and over again. When someone says the name Ryu in league context, your brain instantly goes to the famous Faker vs. Ryu outplay. Both players on the same champion, Zed. Faker with 1/4 health, taking out a full health Ryu...
  3. ponyoworks


    I always feel like Vayne is the epitome of skill. I never play her because 1. I know my mechanics aren't as good as they need to be to make her worth playing, 2. You have to play perfectly, one mistake and your game can end. She is so finely balance tuned to competitive LOL gameplay that at an...
  4. ponyoworks

    What to do when you lose a ranked?

    Tilting is real in League... I remember back when they showed your actual ELO, I went from 1700 to 1500 in one sitting. After that day, I never played more than a couple losses in a row, I know that they will keep compounding on top of each other otherwise. After one loss I usually just take a...
  5. ponyoworks

    Does Anyone Still Play Runescape?

    Old School got me back into it, but most of the game seems to be achievement based now, more true in RS3, but still true in old school Runescape. Everyone who plays is worried about their farm runs and their agility armour, the game seems to have lost its edge in PVP. So if you still enjoy...
  6. ponyoworks

    The TOP lane

    Top Lane is like that old uncle who you expect to bring gifts for Christmas, but you don't see him the rest of the year. Top lane is expected to win alone, and teleport for objectives or ganks bot, all while not losing your tower, being ahead in CS and doing damage/tanking. Top lane is also...
  7. ponyoworks

    Xayah and Rakan

    Yeah just to echo what everyone is saying about Riot's creativity, I think champion interaction and lore is super alluring. Like even just having Jinx Piltover interactions with Cait/Vi is really cool. They took it to the next level having a husband/wife bird people, and then having abilities...
  8. ponyoworks

    Chilling for the Summer, lots of PUBG

    Chilling for the Summer, lots of PUBG
  9. ponyoworks

    The MID lane

    For me, the midlane is all about farm and roam, I rarely try to kill my opponent, unless I am getting a gank. I enjoy playing long range characters like Lux and Ziggs, because you can disappear for a second and be in ult range of bot. Safe farming through those two champs is my go to for middle...
  10. ponyoworks

    Is it hard to be the Support?

    I feel that Riot has made it a lot easier to play as support, and I don't mean the role has gotten mechanically easier. Before sightstone, Supports were the expected to be the sole carriers of wards, pinks(now control wards), and oracles(think 4 minute red trinket). But with the addition of...
  11. ponyoworks

    WHY do you game?

    I never asked myself why I gamed, until I started gaming less. When I gamed for half a day on weekends, and a quarter of a day on weekdays, I was gaming because it was something to do, an easy way to achieve goals. Nowadays I game to relax, after all the school, work, and studying; Gaming is an...
  12. ponyoworks

    COD or CSGO?

    CS:GO and COD are really distinct games, and are played with different styles. While they are both shooters, CSGO is more about positioning and tactics, and making good reads on your opponent, as well as the typical shooting discipline. While COD incorporates more run and gun style, as well as...
  13. ponyoworks

    How many hours do you play a day?

    During school probably less than a couple hours a week... Now that its summer time, there is a lot more time to invest in having fun.