• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by mkhl

  1. mkhl

    Strongest team after the shuffle.

    Let's revive this thread. Dota 2 is a really great game both from a player and a spectator perspective. For me, Team Liquid seems to be really solid at this point in the roster shuffle.
  2. mkhl

    How much trouble have you been through with gaming?

    My last girlfriend actually broke up with me due to gaming. It was actually my fault because I forgot that we had plans and it was her birthday and I was at home playing games. She just went to my place and just broke up with me. Felt really bad but I can laugh about it now.
  3. mkhl

    Trophies or Achievements

    They are actually fun to collect. Gives more incentives to play the game just for these achievements. Some actually spend hours just to get these. Bragging rights maybe,
  4. mkhl

    Favorite childhood game

    Definitely the original Pokemon games. I remember playing those with my friends. There was no guide or anyone teaching us. We just played it as genuine adventurers looking for anything in this game. I remember dying a lot of times to my rival. I hated that guy.
  5. mkhl

    Where do you buy games?

    Almost all of my games are bought from steam. It's just convinient for me to buy stuff while sitting on my butt. I never lose my games and I don't have to deal with piles of discs waiting to be stepped on.
  6. mkhl

    Favorite Game?

    Dota 2 will probably be my favorite. Between me and my friends, we play a lot of different games. We would argue about these games for hours but we have 1 game we commonly play and love and that is Dota 2. It's just part of us since we played this for years.
  7. mkhl

    Hi there.

    Hi. I'm from the Philippines. I was in a gaming drought this year because of responsibilities and I am hoping to get back in tip top shape within the rest of the year. Hope we can support each other and provide useful information for everyone's benefits.
  8. mkhl

    Which MOBA game do you like the best?

    No Dota 2 love? Dota 2 has the best graphics and has the most number of features. It includes lots of game modes and arcade games. You are guaranteed to almost never get bored with Dota 2.