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Recent content by COD

  1. COD

    Do you think GTA V is too violent?

    You killed a guy by throwing snowballs at him? How exactly did you do that? Were there rocks in the snowballs :) I haven't played Gta 5 yet, but I will soon, but I haven't heard anyone claiming it to be too violent. I remember when GTA first came out and people were disturbed because you could...
  2. COD

    Do you think the next CoD should return to the World War?

    Yeah, absolutely. I was talking to some of my relatives about this over the Christmas holidays. I haven't enjoyed many of the newer COD games, and feel that they should go back to WWII. There is so much to cover, so many battles and situations. And yeah, it would be cool to take on Hitler, that...
  3. COD

    Game you can't stop playing

    I probably play some form of COD at least once a day. I'll usually play zombies or the survival mode. I usually will play when I'm taking a break from something, and am having a cup of coffee. The zombies is short enough for a break, but the survival mode can get out of hand and take a little...
  4. COD

    Why does CoD: Ghosts get so much hate?

    I'm getting tired of COD and am planning to buy some of the Battlefield games when I get some extra cash. I agree about Ghosts, the survival game was weird, but I did get addicted to it for a few days, and then I grew tired of it rather quickly after that.
  5. COD

    Why does CoD: Ghosts get so much hate?

    I found it to be pretty boring, but I thought that Black OPs 2 was even worse. I was looking forward to playing both of them and went out and got them both at the same time. I finished the campaign in Ghosts, but got so bored with Black Ops2, that I didn't even bother to finish it after the...
  6. COD

    Favorite games for the SNES.

    Yeah, it was a bold move, for sure. I was really careful when I was opening the box, although I think there were a few times that I thought someone came home and I shoved it rather roughly inside the box. And sometimes when you do that, the sides of the box can rip. I was so relieved when I got...
  7. COD

    Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Horror Stories

    I had the "rings of death" happen a few years back. It was fairly easy, I just sent it off and they sent ti back within a short while and gave me a free xbox live gold subscription. I haven't had any problems with it since, and I use the 360 daily. That must have been about 3 or 4 years ago.
  8. COD

    Who uses a laptop for gaming?

    I have a 360, so I play games on that and haven't tried with my laptop. I'd need to go out and buy a good controller, but I haven't bothered because I haven't found a game that I cannot play on the 360 that I want to play on a PC yet.
  9. COD

    Do you prefer using a keyboard and mouse or a controller?

    I definitely need a controller, which is why I only play video games on my consoles, because I don't have a controller for my computer. Otherwise, I'd have a ton of games that I could play, but there is just something about using the keyboard that makes things awkward, and I don't like it.
  10. COD

    Favorite games for the SNES.

    My favorites were Contra, MarioKart, Metroid, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and who can forget Mario Brothers 2. On a site note: my parents bought me the SNES for Christmas, and I used to go into their room before Christmas and snoop around for presents (ha ha) and I saw the SNES and couldn't...
  11. COD

    What's Your Favorite GTA Title?

    You got 100%? So you picked up all of the packages and did all of the Rampages? Wow, that must have taken you a long time. I remember reading somewhere that when you finish the game 100% the mobsters that are in your mansion are all wearing t-shirts that say something about you finishing the...
  12. COD

    What Was Your Favorite Mission in Vice City?

    If you've read a few of my posts already in this area of the forum, you may know that my favorite GTA title is Vice City. I was curious about what everyone's favorite missions were, because Vice City has some of the best of the GTA series. One of my favorites is Sir, Yes Sir, where you need to...
  13. COD

    What's Your Favorite GTA Title?

    I'm pretty sure that I've played every one of the GTA titles, except for the latest (GTA 5), and in my opinion, I think that Vice City was easily the best one.There is just something about the game that the others don't seem to have. I also like the cars, fashion, voices, and music. And the...
  14. COD

    Favourite COD

    The original Modern Warfare is one that I always go back to. The graphics and game play are better in the later titles, but there's just something about the original. Maybe it's because Captain Price and the others are in it more than some of the others. And the latest CODs that I've played...
  15. COD

    What's a game you'd like to see remade?

    How far back are we going? One of my favorite games of all time is GTA Vice City. It was released in 2002 and although the graphics can be a bit hard to look at, especially the faces, the missions are so much fun. I've played a lot of the other GTA titles, but in my opinion, nothing comes close...