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Recent content by Cauohashi

  1. Cauohashi

    Android Phones?

    I have a smartphone with Android operating system and it works great, is fast and does everything I need. I think the Android system is always evolving, and this is good for the user who can enjoy a cell phone more efficient and with more functions.
  2. Cauohashi

    Favourite Video Game Series?

    Particularly I find it difficult to choose just one favorite. But what comes to mind now is the GTA and Assassin's Creed. I really like these two games and I can say for sure that they are among the top 10 of my favorite games.
  3. Cauohashi

    What video game console did you spend most of your childhood with?

    When I was a kid, almost there was no computer, it was not like today that everyone has, so I only went to play on a PC years later. But when I was 8 years old I won a Super Nintendo and this console was part of my childhood, I still have Super Nintendo and sometimes I play a little.
  4. Cauohashi

    Entertaining board game

    I love board games, I've had several games. I liked to play chess, but I think my favorite game was Monopoly. I spent hours playing with my brothers and best of all was that I always won!!:smile:
  5. Cauohashi

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    My first console was a Super Nintendo, I think I was 7 or 8 years old, this is a long time ago. I remember winning it as a Christmas present and it was the best Christmas present I could win. My brothers and I spent all of our childhood playing Super Nintendo.
  6. Cauohashi

    Do you play mobile games to kill time?

    Yes, I play many mobile games. Everyday I spend at least an hour playing, I can not pick up the phone and not play. My favorite games are Clash of Clans, Candy Crush Saga and The Walking Dead
  7. Cauohashi

    Do you prefer using a keyboard and mouse or a controller?

    For me it depends on the game, there are games that are better the keyboard and mouse already others to play with the controller is better. When I play racing games like Need for Speed I prefer to use the controller, but games like GTA prefer the mouse and keyboard.
  8. Cauohashi

    Favorite Nintendo Console?

    For me, my favorite is Super Nintendo because it was my first game. I have my Super Nintendo to this day, sometimes I play Super Mario World and it's really cool. It was with Super Nintendo in the early 90's that I started to enjoy games.
  9. Cauohashi

    [POLL] Android or iOS

    I particularly like Android, I do not really like Apple products with the iOS system. I'm more accustomed to Android and I prefer it. I play a lot for the smartphone and always found it much simpler to use Android, I think iOS is more complicated.
  10. Cauohashi

    First Game

    I remember that my first game was Super Mario World. I spent hours playing, it was so much fun. Soon after I started playing some other SuperNintendo games, such as Donkey Kong, Super MarioKart, Top Gear, Street Fighter. Nowadays I miss playing these games on SuperNintendo.
  11. Cauohashi

    What is your favorite browser?

    For me the best browser is Google Chrome, I really like its appearance and also think it is faster than other browsers. On my smartphone I also use Google Chrome, I think the best also for mobile devices. I would not trade Google Chrome for any other browser, but if it did not exist Mozilla...
  12. Cauohashi

    Favorite Game?

    It's hard to pick just one favorite game, but now I'm playing a lot of Minecraft and right now this is my favorite. I also really like League of Legends, but I'm not playing much lately.
  13. Cauohashi

    Favourite Movie?

    Particularly difficult is choosing only one favorite movie. I'm very much a fan of superhero movies and also Star Wars movies. I think at the moment I would choose Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, I've watched this movie more than 3 times .. So I choose as my favorite.