• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Ahab

  1. Ahab

    The NX won't be as powerful as this gen's machines?

    It would be a dumb decision, honestly. Remember when Nintendo used to have the better hardware? The Nintendo 64 was better than the Playstation with 3D engines. The Gamecube was way better than the Playstation 2 with graphics in general. I think it's safe to say that the NX will be at least on...
  2. Ahab

    PS2 Favorite PS2 Game?

    It's hard for me to choose one, the PS2 is one of my favourite consoles of all time. Maybe it's Metal Gear Solid 3 because it really is something else. The survival aspect, the freedom of choice within the tools that you have for infiltration, the presentation, the story, the characters...
  3. Ahab

    Favorite games for the SNES.

    My favourite SNES game is Chrono Trigger. It's such a good game that even nowadays there are very few games that can possibly compare. It's so tightly designed and fun, with an unforgettable story with branching paths and multiple endings depending on how you act during the story, and a...
  4. Ahab

    Where do you buy games?

    I mainly use Steam, so I usually buy them digitally on various websites depending if there's some deal or not. Not gray markets of course because I'd like to support the developers. If I have to buy physical copies I just buy them from Amazon but that rarely happens now.
  5. Ahab

    Favorite horror game?

    For me, it's a choice between the Fatal Frame and Silent Hill games. I love the stories and the characters from both games. I like the idea of going around in places that you don't understand because they make use of impossible space and crazy level design in general. I wish I could play Fatal...
  6. Ahab

    Anyone here played Undertale?

    It's on my wishlist on Steam, too. I'll probably play it one day because it sounds like a brilliant concept. I know that it's heavily inspired by Earthbound, a great RPG game for the Super Nintendo. And Earthbound it's one of my favourite games of all time, so I need to check this other game out.
  7. Ahab

    Custom Built PC?

    I love building my own PC. I've always done that. It's not just because it's cheaper than a pre-built and probably more powerful in most cases and easy to upgrade, but I love the feeling while I'm building it piece by piece. There's an inherent satisfaction in making a PC by yourself that makes...
  8. Ahab

    Favorite Game Mod?

    Deus Ex Revision. It's a total overhaul (both in graphics and in design) mod for the very first Deus Ex game that changes little bits and pieces of the entire campaign without altering the core structure of the experience. The only real problem is that I don't like the new music they made, but...
  9. Ahab

    GTA V - Favorite Character?

    Mine, from GTA Online. Ahahah :D But seriously I really like all the characters from the main story. The one I probably like the most is Lamar. He's HILARIOUS and I'd like a game entirely about him. Or an expansion, that would be ok too. It's cool though that Rockstar Games made some missions...
  10. Ahab

    Which MMORPG are you playing?

    I've tried the free trial and I find this game amazing. It's very different from any other MMORPG and it FEELS like a classic Final Fantasy. I usually don't play these kinds of games but this made me think of actually sticking with it. Unfortunately I feel like I'm wasting money if I have to buy...
  11. Ahab

    Hello everyone!

    Hi guys, I'm Ahab and I love videogames. I'm mainly a PC gamer but I also dabble with consoles sometimes. Right now I'm playing GTA V multiplayer with a bunch of friends basically every day. I hope to discuss more about recent videogames (and also older ones, why not) in future threads! :D