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Pulsefire Caitlyn Skin


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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The Pulsefire Caitlyn skin is available for those who play Cait or are interested in picking her up with some added flair!

I really dig the way the skin looks, and the video adds that additional flair of western music to build the theme, which I thought was appropriate. I don't play Cait very often, but I absolutely hate laning against her bot side. However, this is tempting me to pick her up and give her a shot.

What about you guys?



Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
Reaction score
Yeah, I agree, she's definitely a pain to lane versus because of her range. She's a typical lane bully and annoying with her traps.

I don't really play her at all but I do LOVE the skin. It gives me a bit of Overwatch vibe with the design of the gun. I prefer this Pulsefire skin compared to the Ezreal one. I'm guessing everybody bought it and are now spamming her? I suspect a large increase of Caitlyn's in games.

Riot Games are also very good with hyping all of these new skins and features with these cute little preview/trailer videos.


Active Member
May 31, 2017
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Its a nice skin and a little bit tempting for me to pick it up. That being said she's getting some nerfs in 7.11 so I'm reluctant. She is a monster in the right hands, but with the nerf coming not sure if its worth really learning how to play her.


Active Member
May 31, 2017
Reaction score
I really enjoy the skin but I just don't have money to get it right now.

Caitlyn is my second pick to Ashe and laning against her can be a pain because of her traps, crit, and range. I've managed to get to 7-flag with her but have had difficulty lately playing some of my games because I'm also a tad bit rusty with her since I don't play her that often, however, whenever I can't play Ashe I play Caitlyn. Lately I've had a bit of trouble building her to maximize her potential, especially since I like getting essence reaver on her to capitalize on having a low cooldown for her ult and Q without having to sacrifice crit damage.