• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. SpeedOfSmell

    Know how much time you'd take to complete your Steam library

    2304 continuous hours or 96 days,17 minutes. I better get cracking on those games while I drive from America's coast to coast 43 times.
  2. SpeedOfSmell

    Do you still use PC for playing games?

    Of course I still play PC. Even with the advancements in consoles they are nowhere near the level of PC. PC still has thousands of exclusives, way more than all of the consoles ever made combined. PC still has the ability to use any controller, including the vastly superior KB+M. PC still has...
  3. SpeedOfSmell

    What is your Favorite Steam Game

    My favorite would have to be Dark Souls. I love everything about that game. My favorite part is the combat system. It's one of the only games I have played where the combat doesn't feel spammy, like Skyrim. It actually requires thought and planning. I also love the replayability of it. There's...