• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. prasanna kumar

    Gaming Movies

    "Wreck it Ralph" I bet everybody in this forum have watched this movie, but if you anybody haven't i insist you watch it right away, the very concept of movie is based on games . the entire story revolves in an arcade and I have watched this movie over 5 or 6 times , so does anybody here know...
  2. prasanna kumar

    When Gaming becomes an addiction

    Generally people only fear about addictions to ciggerate, alcohol and porn and other, While these addictions have direct affect on the on our health , what we don't know is that gaming addictions are also found to affect the mental abilities of children, Excessive gaming may also result in a...
  3. prasanna kumar


    Hello everyone, I m a farmer and i like gaming and farming, just joined yesterday and have already started enjoying the community. Great to be here.