• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. MyOCDisMild

    Free Mod Menu - Project x v 2.0

    Not to be a wet blanket, but WTF am I the only one annoyed with this shit?! So now we post modding info and encourage other people to do it....seriously?! This is why people like me rage out...why fck the game up, ruin it for everybody by cheating? Cool, you think its fun to run around like a...
  2. MyOCDisMild

    Favourite COD

    Hands down, Black Ops II. Its the one CoD that I still play regularly. I sold Ghosts after about 2 months and bought Advanced Warfare as a digital download, so its still taking up space on the console. But I'll play Blk Ops 2 before I will anything else. Truth be told, my affection for it may be...
  3. MyOCDisMild

    What's a game you'd like to see remade?

    I would love to see a Duke Nukem game that actually did justice to the series as a whole. They put a new version out awhile back that I purchased as a digital download from the playstation store and I was beyond excited to play. I still have Duke Nukem 3D and play it frequently, but the newest...
  4. MyOCDisMild

    Xbox 360 Worth getting a 360 after all this time?

    I owned a 360 a while back...a long while, and from what I remember, it broke quite frequently..which is why I opted for a PS3. It seemed to be more expensive to keep it and having to keep having it repaired, and this was something I heard from a lot of other people who owned one. But I have...
  5. MyOCDisMild

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Oh, most definitely. My 14 year old has a major crush on a youtuber named Markiplier that she masquerades as him being a role model. She even wanted a frakking birthday cake with a mustache on it because he has a pink one as an emblem or something. There's a couple of apps that she has...
  6. MyOCDisMild

    Have you stopped playing any games because of its community?

    I did briefly stop playing Black Ops 2 a while back. This was back when we still had Clans and competitions...and I don't know if this is something that everyone experiences or if I was just overly sensitive, but for awhile, there were a lot of really racist people flocking to the game. They...
  7. MyOCDisMild

    First Game

    The very first game I ever played was Pole Position, and it was on my Atari, which obviously, was my first game system. My Dad was a big time gamer, and he and I together discovered computer gaming. One of the first games we played together was Street Fighter II and it was awesome. Funny thing...
  8. MyOCDisMild

    howdy from KY

    Hey people.....I really wish I had something really witty or clever to insert here, but sadly, my witty and clever days are few and far between and I'm drawing a blank. Nothing too special or unusual here...I love all/most consoles, though I prefer my PS3. Mostly because online play is still...