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Search results

  1. paigeswan

    What is your favorite horror game?

    Halloween is this weekend, and it it is one of my favorite holidays. I love playing Five Nights at Freddy's. I started playing it after seeing a video of a YouTuber playing the game. It looked like a nice mindlessly entertaining game. When I downloaded, I quickly discovered that it was very...
  2. paigeswan


    This a great guide that is really helpful! I have lost this so many times, and it takes forever for me to learn how to use a controller. Some of these things I didn't even know how to do.
  3. paigeswan


    They had to lower the price because they were not selling enough. A lot of people would not be able to afford the Xbox One before. The price cut allows more people to buy it, and in the long run earns the company more money. The company wants the product to be what the people are looking for so...
  4. paigeswan

    Difficulty or Fun?

    Fun is obviously an important factor in gameplay. If a game were not fun, no one would play it at all. However, most would not consider a game to be fun if it is easy to breeze through every level and you finish it in a few hours. It is more fun and rewarding to be presented with a challenge...
  5. paigeswan

    Favorite childhood game

    My cousins and I always used to play Mario Kart every winter at my grandparents house. It was always so fun to compete with each other, and tease each other each time one of us would pass someone in the race. It was great to try out all of the different levels and use those banana peels against...
  6. paigeswan

    Nintendo (NX)

    I have not used a Nintendo product in forever! The last time I used one was my Nintendo DS from about 7 years ago. I kind of miss it. Those were very popular then and people still use variations of them. Nintendo definitely has potential for some cool new devices. It will be cool to see what...
  7. paigeswan

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    If a celebrity musician were to say that he enjoys a certain brand of guitar pick, every dedicated fan would rush out and buy that pick. This is just like what happens with YouTubers. They prove their skills in their videos and develop a dedicated fan base. When the YouTuber plays a game and...
  8. paigeswan

    Favorite Game?

    My favorite game would have to be Call of Duty. I love playing it against my boyfriend. He usually wins because he is a much more dedicated gamer, but I have beat him a few times. That is a very rewarding experience. I also love Alice, which is a horror game. It has really creepy graphics and a...
  9. paigeswan

    Plague Inc. Evolved -- Let's Infect the World!

    I love this game! I've never thought of playing it on my computer. I downloaded it on my phone a few years ago. I have beat the game on Normal a few times, but I can't seem to do it consistently. The only strategy I have come up with is to start the disease on Iceland so that they do not close...
  10. paigeswan

    Favorite Xbox Game

    My favorite Xbox game is Far Cry 4. I bought it as a gift for someone and we play it together all the time. I love how long the storyline is, so you can play for days without running out of new missions. I also like all of the cool weapons and the fact that you can ride an elephant.
  11. paigeswan

    Favorite horror game?

    Halloween is just around the corner! Let's celebrate by discussing our favorite terrifying video games! Slender was the first one I ever played and that is still one of my favorites. It scared me a lot when I was younger. I also really like Alice: Madness Returns, which is sort of a sequel to...