• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. xpictoc

    Difficulty or Fun?

    The perfect example of difficult but fun would be Dark Souls 1 and 2. Every time you die it's your own fault, because you were reckless or did not feel the need to prepare yourself for what you may encounter. Except when you're invaded by a parry spammer - HATE those guys!
  2. xpictoc

    Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?"

    I would categorize most mobile games as "casual", with wide audiences who rarely play games but enjoy mobile game x or y. There are definitely games catered to the needs of hardcore gamers such as Out There, my favorite roguelike game for smartphone or tablet. Yes, I would say mobile games are...
  3. xpictoc

    Game you can't stop playing

    Two games I can't stop playing: ARMA III Breaking Point - A mod similar to DayZ but more polished with interesting gunplay and a wide variety of maps to try. Can't stop playing it with friends as we always have so much fun running around looking for trouble. Hearthstone - I prefer arena...
  4. xpictoc

    Who uses a laptop for gaming?

    I was able to purchase this gaming beast for a reasonable price about a year ago as a promotion on a certain webstore. It's much better for gaming compared with my main desktop. It has a GTX 780M, a nice CPU and a power brick the size of an actual brick! The only problem I have is that the 17"...
  5. xpictoc

    Which MOBA game do you like the best?

    It seems I'm the only with a preference for HoN so far. I've been playing it for several years with a few friends and we all feel like it has the highest "skill cap" of the different MOBA games. Amazing players can really make a difference (and not just with carries) with some of the more...
  6. xpictoc

    Best cinematic game trailers of all time.

    I was so hyped to play Hellgate: London after seeing the amazing cinematic trailer. Too bad the actual game was meh. I later found out the trailer was made by another company specialized in CGI movies.
  7. xpictoc

    Worst Game Ever Played?

    The first game that comes to mind is Hatred, a recent controversial game with almost no redeeming factors. The goal is to kill as many innocent people as possible with a small arsenal of weapons. The fact that the main character is a misanthropic bastard who complains about how he's going to...
  8. xpictoc

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    I believe exposure is positively correlated with the # of sales for a particular product. For example, if a famous brand were to hand out a free demo of game X, more people would buy the game as their doubts regarding the game they did not know before have abated. Simply put, the millions of...