• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. A

    Latest Purchases?

    The last thing I bought?... I believe I bought a french fry yesterday while I was out. I just don't remember the place I got it. But Around 50 fries for $4 bucks and I remember it was a rip off. But I loved the fries. I was also planning on buying a video game today but never got to it for some...
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    Android or Apple

    Android 100%. Only around 10 products for Apple. Around 300 products for Android. You can customize your choice with the phone you like. Then the OS is so user friendly. You can custimzie basically everything unlike the crappy iPhone and IOS which you can't do anything on it. It is people that...
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    What browser do you use?

    I currently use Firefox but I might have to go to Chrome for all the great features that are coming to it. I still find firefox better for some reason but I am starting to hear more and more good things about Chrome now. But those 2 are my top browser choices. Won't ever go near IE.
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    I loved the movie very much. I only got to see it once but I really enjoyed it. I found it a little confusing and would love to watch it again. But overall it was a great movie. I think in one point they were in a dream's, dream's, dream's, dream's, dream. It got very confusing but still loved...
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    Wii U

    I don't have one but I seen them and they are actually very bad in my opinion. I don't find them to be very useful and they don't have any cool features that other things don't have. I rather just stick with my Android phone and the great phones with it.
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    Wii controllers?

    I don't know why anyone would even pick the wired one. I pick the wireless for myself because you have to twist and turn the controllers so many times that even if there were wires, I would probably have ripped them from everything I did with the controllers. :)
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    SimCity Details Leaked

    I loved playing the old ones and I can't wait for this one to actually come out. I can't wait to see how it turns out. But It seems like it is going to be great. I loved the old ones, I don't have them anymore but if I did I would play them again because they were very fun. Great games indeed.
  8. A

    Do you have an original Xbox?

    Yes, well I had one but I recently sold it. I sold it last year with around 20 games for $100. I found it a great deal because it was kinda like trash for me and I had no use for it. I sold it and made some money and bought some more games for my Xbox 360. :)
  9. A

    Gaming Genres

    I enjoy playing Shooting and Strategy games the best. I usually play shooting games on my xbox 360 and the strategy games I usually play on my computer. But I do play some action and survival games too whenever I get the chance. And maybe even some sports games like Fifa and racing games.