• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Kitty Reeves

    What Series Do You Think Would Make a Good MMO?

    It's a popular question people think about. I know a LOT of people want some sort of Harry Potter MMO, and frankly I do too. Have it start at Hogwarts, where you go through say, your last year of "school" ( as a tutorial area). Then "graduate" and be a witch or wizard in the world, and have...
  2. Kitty Reeves

    Losing Yourself (and Time) in the Game

    So, a lot of people discuss about spending too much time gaming or losing yourself while playing. I normally try to limit my time playing, but sometimes lose myself and spend way too long playing. Today I was playing Vindictus, and since there is an event going on, I spent of a lot of time...