• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Nero

    Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?"

    By the official definition it would be. By my definition I would say no. I mean unless you guys can find a fun game on there that wasn't a port from a console there really isn't any fun games on the android phones.
  2. Nero

    Team Fortress 3 ever happening?

    I doubt that there will ever be a TF3. TF2 is being constantly updating and is running well. I think that the game is good enough as is.
  3. Nero

    Is PC really master race?

    The only reason PC is master race is because you don't have to buy a whole new computer every 5 years. Consoles have to upgrade now and then but PC's can upgrade at (atleast in my opinion) a cheaper price.
  4. Nero

    How many of you bought Sm4sh for the 3ds?

    Wii U is better by the long run. The only thing Smash 3ds is good for is Smash Run and linking it to the Wii U as a controller. The Wii U has a lot more modes though. I got the 3ds version and I tell you it sucks.
  5. Nero

    What's your favorite Gameboy games/s.

    Pokemon Crystal was my favorite. It was the first time they made the sprites move and the songs in that game were just epic.
  6. Nero

    Mario Nintendo's Only Money Maker?

    Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart is there money maker. As of now though they seem to be letting a lot of third party ppl go on there consoles and most of it seems to be awesome.
  7. Nero

    Who Even Plays Their Nintendo Wii?

    I still play my wii. I use it to emulate old games and to play games I don't own. You could say I am a nintendo pirate.
  8. Nero

    Pokemon Games

    I still want to play Pokemon ORAS but I don't have enough money as of yet. So far I enjoyed X and Y and I hear a lot of nostalgia about ORAS. I hope I can save up enough for it and get to play it.
  9. Nero

    Is the Wii U back in the console wars?

    I love the Wii U but I love the way the Miomoto replied to the console war. They said they are standing by watching others fight while they just do what they want to.
  10. Nero

    Favorite games for the SNES.

    I just loved Earthbound. Why you ask? The story was amazing and the enemies are funny. I also grew some hate for Porky/Pokey. It also got me to play the other games which are not released to the US, but was translated.