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Recent content by Wolfparttimer

  1. Wolfparttimer

    Games played via keyboard

    I don´t thing I have feeling about this! xD I have played pc games since like forever, and sometimes I play with controllers when I´m in one of my friends house, but I have to say that sometimes controllers aren´t that well suited for me, maybe is because I don´t usually play consoles. In my...
  2. Wolfparttimer

    Community Interaction

    Yes, I love when developers are active with the community, because it shows how much they love the opinion of their community, in my opinion listening is a very important part of developing something amazing. Gaming communities can give as much love as hate, they are very volatile, I see...
  3. Wolfparttimer

    Losing Yourself (and Time) in the Game

    haha Stop doing that, let him play and learn by himself, I believe by experience that mistakes done by oneself are better teachers than words. Family is always important, and they always have great lessons to teach, but it all depens on the way he takes suggestions. It´s just like that, he may...
  4. Wolfparttimer

    Losing Yourself (and Time) in the Game

    YES, gaming sometimes can mess things up, I know that pretty well hahahah, but I have found excersing every now and then to be really entertaining, especially going outdoors and just relax in the mountains, that´s the part I love of going out :) If you can maintain a equal level of going out and...
  5. Wolfparttimer

    Losing Yourself (and Time) in the Game

    Yeah that's the older brothers job hahahaha I have 3 siblings that are older than me, and they tried to make me stop playing games many times, so I understand what you are trying to do, let him go with the flow, he'll learn by himself because words aren't that powerful as actions. And Yes, I...
  6. Wolfparttimer

    How often do you buy new games?

    thanks for the reply :D I'm a relaxed person so if I can buy something I do it, if not then I just adapt myself and that's it. Games are for me, one of the best ways to just relax and go with the flow, and that makes me happy :) so that's why I play and sometimes pay for new ones.
  7. Wolfparttimer

    Losing Yourself (and Time) in the Game

    Well it's not like I followed the natural path (but I get what you are saying), I didn't stop playing them when I was 18, I thing I played harder around that age, and still studied, went out with my friends, and had a job. Your brother is going to be fine, if you see that he is a little bit too...
  8. Wolfparttimer

    Gaming console you are just dying to have.

    Right now.....Nintendo Switch. I'm a fan of Nintendo so not having their newest console is so bad for me :( I didn't get to buy Wii U but I don't really care, I just want right now the new one, and get to play ARMS and the new Pokemon game that is going to be premiered in a few years :D
  9. Wolfparttimer

    Moments in games where you just want to smash the controller

    That moment for is when I'm stuck in a game and can't find a freaking way to get out of it. It's like seriously how do you even pass this game? I also got that feeling when playing Super Smash bros sometimes, I'm the kind of player that likes to train against pretty hard CPUs, and you know, I...
  10. Wolfparttimer

    Which MOBA game do you like the best?

    I played almost all of the option except smite, I voted for League of Legends because it is easier for newbie players that game is not that difficult and can be totally enjoyable. Dota2 is great but my computer couldn't handle it and I didn't get the hag of the game whe I tried it. Heroes of...
  11. Wolfparttimer

    You can be one champion for a day, who do you pick?

    I get what you say, I would do many stupid things just to try something different haha. Ekko abilities are really special. Time traveling without destroying anything complex about time and space is quite interesting xD
  12. Wolfparttimer

    How often do you buy new games?

    Well I don't usually buy games, Around here videogames are extremely expensive for someone who earns minimum wage so I have to go for the free ones. The only way I would buy a game is.....if I'm totally in love with it, and have the need of buying it, and that my dear friend never happens.
  13. Wolfparttimer

    Losing Yourself (and Time) in the Game

    OK so, Yes, I have lost time in a game. I have to say that I was kind of addicted to League of Legends so I lost a lot of time playing that game, I played LoL for 5 years until I decided just to let that game go. I guess growing up is one of the reasons I stopped playing. Yesterday, I...
  14. Wolfparttimer

    WHY do you game?

    I play games because I usually work a lot and do many things throughout the week. So, when I have free time, I need to do something that makes me forget everything about my daily chores. I also like to see nice artwork and ideas from videogames even though most games use the same things...
  15. Wolfparttimer

    Do you ever record your gaming?

    No, I don't like to record myself....I'm too shy to do it! xD I'm also a casual player, neither a pro nor a noob (Well it depends on the game), but I don't know...I don't find myself recording my gameplay, I'm the kind of player that is silent meanwhile I'm playing so my youtube channel/Twitch...