• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by VirusZero

  1. V

    GameStop Considering Selling Classic Games

    I'd never trade in a classic game... But I wouldn't mind having the option to buy some classic games still. I'd love to complete a few collections of games I own without having to spend a ton of money buying from ebay (or trying to win auctions which can get really pricy) and then paying for...
  2. V

    What's a good starter language?

    I would say that it's probably best to start with just HTML and CSS (since they go hand in hand so well). That'll get some basics down then you can very easily built on it from there by incorporating Javascript or Jquery. PHP probably is not that great to start off with immediately because it...
  3. V

    MOAB vs Nuke

    In Modern Warfare 2, players who got 25 kills without dying got the Nuke which ended the game. In Modern Warfare 3, players who got 25 kills without dying got a MOAB, which killed everyone on the opposing team and gave double XP for the team that got that MOAB. So which do you prefer...
  4. V

    Dawnguard May Not Be Coming To PlayStation 3

    Your logic here is foolish. That would be like saying because a CD didn't work in your car radio you should never buy a chevrolet. Or because your muffins didn't turn out that you should never buy kitchen-aid mixers. Or to invert this scenario, you should never by an Xbox 360 because Black Ops...
  5. V

    Favourite Class

    In Battlefield 3, which is your favourite class to use? (Either overall or for a specific level.) What set up do you normally have on your favourite class?
  6. V

    Complaints about the PS3?

    I like the PS3 controller a lot more than Xbox's. PS3 controller feels more comfortable in my hands. The analogue sticks feel pretty smooth and accurate to me. (Where I found the 360's to be rather sensitive...) The shoulder buttons I didn't like the feel of on 360 either. As for online, I...
  7. V

    Tips to get moabs

    I'm more of a Battlefield player than a CoD player, but I've watched someone play a TON of MW3 and they've gotten a few MOABs (I think their last count was like 15 or so.) They do use specialist when going for one and they favoured Seatown to get their MOABs in. (Since some places are narrow...
  8. V

    Black Ops 2 Feelings

    Originally I was skeptical of Black Ops 2. I heard there were a TON of glitches with Black Ops 1 (especially multiplayer) so I avoided it entirely. And I was prepared to do that for Black Ops 2... But then they announced they were moving towards a futuristic setting. Which has caught my...
  9. V

    How do you get your BattleField?

    Like the topic states, how do you get your Battlefield on? Do you play on PS3? Or maybe Xbox 360? Or on PC?
  10. V

    Battlefield 3: Armored Kill FAQ, All Vehicles Named

    I have to admit, Armoured Kill looks very interesting. I loved driving tanks in this game and it is nice to see them create a mode more set around using these vehicles. (They adjusted spawn rates for tanks in Tank Superiority mode to make sure that they respawn quicker so hopefully less waiting...
  11. V


    Hello everyone, names VirusZero (VZ for short). I enjoy videogames (most times except sport games), watching tv shows and writing. Looking forward to speaking with you in various topics around the forum. - VZ