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Recent content by vespid49

  1. vespid49

    Best BF?

    I like Battlefield 3 the most. The fact that the multiplayer base is still huge is a testament to how great the game is. The combat is good, The gun selection is good, the maps are good, And I love the vehicles as well. Compared to 4 it is heavenly. Compared to Bad Company 2, it's more refined...
  2. vespid49

    How much time do you spend playing games on mobile?

    I spend a couple hours every now and then playing games on my phone. However, since I have a PC, it's not my primary gaming device, so when I play games, I'm only half trying. Another reason that I don't play Gaines on my phone that often is because most of the games are pay-to-win, so in the...
  3. vespid49

    This War of Mine

    I play this game for a couple hours. It's pretty good, but I wouldn't play it for more than a couple hours in one sitting. This is because the game is pretty gritty, like you said, and because it can get a bit emotional at times. If the game did one thing right, it was depicting the bleak...
  4. vespid49

    Assassins Creed: Unity fail?

    I think that Assassin's Creed Unity has definitely flopped. Firstly, on release, it was completely broken had had a variety of graphical and gameplay glitches. This prevented a lot of people from buying it later on. Secondly, the PC port was atrocious, With even more glitches then the console...
  5. vespid49

    Game you can't stop playing

    The game that I cannot stop playing is Civilization V. I think it is partially because the game is turned based, so I just keep playing turn after turn, not thinking that one turn will take up so much time. I end up playing for eight hours straight sometimes. It is borderline unhealthy, as I...
  6. vespid49

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    I love Team Fortress 2. It's fast, fun, and good to play with friends. It doesn't take a monster of a rig to run. Also, even if you pay for stuff, it doesn't guarantee that you will win. Also, there's a thriving trade community and market which is fantastic to partake in or even just observe. I...
  7. vespid49

    Do you prefer using a keyboard and mouse or a controller?

    Definitely keyboard and mouse. Firstly, you get much higher accuracy for shooters. Secondly, you can map buttons anywhere, so it makes it much more versatile in terms of functionality. Thirdly, keyboards and mice are practically infinitely customizable. Controllers, on the other hand, are quite...
  8. vespid49

    Is PC really master race?

    Yes, PC will always be the Master Race. Not only are they better gaming machines but you can also use them for productivity, such as video editing and word processing. There's a larger game selection, more indies, and (I think) a nicer community. If you go on places like Reddit, thousands of...
  9. vespid49

    Who uses a laptop for gaming?

    I use my laptop, but I do have a gaming PC. Most of the time when I'm out, I just play games like Hearthstone on my laptop. When I'm at home, I use Steam In Home Streaming when I don't feel like sitting at a desk or table but still want 60fps good-quality gaming. My laptop is a MacBook Pro 13...
  10. vespid49

    How much are your Steam Games worth?

    My Steam account is worth around 1500 dollars according to SteamDB. Problem is, I don't actually play that many of them, just Portal and Half-Life. Everything else just sits there, like old books on a shelf. I DID buy most of them on sale though. Mostly Humble Bundle and other sales make up well...