• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Vanadium23

  1. V

    Last thing you ate & drank

    I had a weird dinner of sushi and a hotdog. I couldn't choose haha
  2. V

    Games you still play?

    I still play all my old games. I never gave any up haha. I have my ps1 next to my ps2 next to my ps3 and 360 haha. But, the ones a play the most are ctr, cnc red alert, tekken 3 and mk trilogy
  3. V

    What are your interests?

    - music - recording music - writing music - playing music :P did i mention music? haha
  4. V

    Fav Bands?

    RE: Fav Bands? The Beatles, Forever and always haha. I used to be a little metalhead and then I started studying music and appreciating all kinds and now just love The Beatles
  5. V

    Favorite PC Game ?

    Haha changes every week. Right now it's Orcs Must Die! 2. I love it now they have added in co-op and endless modes. Great game, would recommend to anybody :)
  6. V

    PS1 Favorite PS1 Game

    Haha ^^ I still prefer the command and conquer games on console. Although I play all the others on PC :P All time favourites are Crash Team Racing and Medievil. I can't choose out of them because ctr was the most fun, but you needed other players haha
  7. V

    What do you ...

    If I start playing after work and then realize it's now 3am that's how I know it's a game I'll play again. When Skyrim came out I was clocking 10 or so hours a day without ever realizing. Same with New Vegas, that game just had something special about it (didn't really like fallout 3 as much)...
  8. V

    Someone's Modding Morrowind With Skyrim's Engine

    Haha yes! I can't wait for this. Morrowind has always been my favourite Elder Scrolls game. I was too young to play the first two so Morrowind was really the first game I ever got into on PC. Everything looks so pretty in skyrims engine!
  9. V

    Hello to all!

    Just popping in to say hello to everybody haha :)
  10. V

    Beats by Dr Dre

    My mate has a pair of them and they sound pretty good, can't really comment on whether they were worth it cost wise, but I don't see myself getting a pair haha. I usually only use headsets when I'm recording. I had to borrow his beats one day and they just didn't do the job, although they...
  11. V

    How do you feel about dislikes?

    I notice that alot of my dislikes are from my friends that I show so it doesn't really bother me :) Sometimes it's annoying because I think it'll leave a bad impression, but people make up their own minds about it so it works out haha