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Recent content by thepostman

  1. T

    Gaming console you are just dying to have.

    I would say the next xbox and playstation system as I have all current and older consoles. I'm mostly curious to see if they will be able to take me away from my Gaming PC.
  2. T

    witch is better?

    I have both and play both for the exclusives each have. Though if a game is console only and on both, I usually choose the xbox, just easier to get started up and into the game most of the time.
  3. T

    Is there a genre that you miss

    This genre still exists in a way. The only types of games I can find that are similar to these are casual games, but they lack the difficulty and depth that I like. Most of them can be finished within a hour and like you mentioned, you could spend longer than that on one puzzle in Myst. So...
  4. T

    Adventure Games

    I still play them. Some must play adventure games are Day of the Tentacle and Monkey Island (all of them). There are a lot more good ones and for anyone looking to play older adventure games, look up ScummVM. I just recently started playing through Day of the Tentacle again, has to be one of...
  5. T

    Favourite Minigame?

    My current favorite mini-game is Jetpack Joyride. I have it on my phone, tablet and PS3. just in case anyone doesn't know, it's a free download on PS3, you don't even need a plus membership. It's a very addicting game.
  6. T

    Have you ever made a game?

    I've made quite a few, puzzle type games, children games and small scale role-playing games. The feeling of accomplishment when a project is completed is awesome. Congratulations on your game and keep on making them.
  7. T

    Tomb Raider Multiplayer

    Tomb Raider will include multiplayer modes. Two that have been announced are Team Deathmatch and Rescue. The Team Deathmatch is what you would expect, but the Rescue seems to be interesting. In Rescue, one team is tasked with obtaining a med-pak item while the other team is tasked with killing...
  8. T

    Whats your Favourite Type of Game?

    Role-playing games are my favorite. I enjoy the immersive stories, large worlds to explore and characters with lots of depth. I like starting off weak and to get stronger as I play through the game and obtain new abilities.
  9. T

    Difficulty or Fun?

    I think it is about finding a balance. Some games I will play on hard while others I would play on normal and I never play a game on easy. But, in the end, it really comes down to how the game is designed. I enjoy some games just because of the difficulty, while others I want a challenge but...
  10. T

    Games played via keyboard

    For me it just depends on the game. Some games work better with a keyboard and some with a controller. I don't think I have a preference to one or the other. But, for those that do hate the keyboard for games, you can use a program like xpadder to configure your controller to emulate keyboard...
  11. T

    Will PC Gaming Overtake Consoles

    PC gaming is superior in my opinion and while I enjoy PC gaming more, I still enjoy playing a console. Consoles will always exist. A lot of developers don't want to mess with trying to develop for multiple hardware configurations and drivers. Consoles have fixed hardware and your game is...
  12. T

    Sega Genesis/MegaDrive

    I have a Genesis. I beat Sonic 1 and 2 just the other day and played some comix zone. Also, I agree it is one of the best systems ever.
  13. T

    Army of Two reboot

    I personally liked the two previous installments of Army of Two. I played them both with my brother and we enjoyed it. I'm not really looking forward to the new reboot of the series though. I don't really like anything I have heard about it so far. What do you think of previous games and...
  14. T

    What was your first console

    Mine was also an Atari 2600. I still play it now and then. It's an old but great system. My next system was a 7800 then NES.
  15. T

    Last Game Played?

    I'm currently playing Borderlands 2 and Halo 4, both are great. I'm also still playing Skyrim, which I have been playing since it's release date. Skyrim plus mods equals never boring.