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Recent content by SuperBugMan

  1. SuperBugMan

    First video game

    According to my parents it was some weird elmo DOS game. The first game I can actually, clearly remember is Contra for the NES. I never got past the first level until many years later.
  2. SuperBugMan

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    Got my first console before I could even remember, at some point I inherited my fathers NES and have had it ever since.
  3. SuperBugMan

    Can you believe the Xbox 360 outsold the Wii U?

    Nintendo seems to have learned from their mistake for the most part. The main one being the name Wii U. I consider myself tech savy and at first I thought it was a tablet addon for the Wii. The Switch seems to be doing pretty well. The lack of games worries me though and is reminiscent of the...
  4. SuperBugMan

    What is your favorite Nintendo 64 game?

    Super Mario 64 is without a doubt my first pick. Its really revolutionized the 3d platforming genre. I have so many fond memories of exploring the wet dry level, or the big small level, or... All of them were just amazing. I really wanted to get into LoZ:OoT but it never happened. I even...
  5. SuperBugMan

    Ever played a game on the Nintendo 8 bit?

    I'm 22, so I wasn't really in the golden NES era. However, my family used to be pretty poor so all I had was an NES, Contra and Mario. Back then I thought it was awesome as the only other games I had played were text based DOS rougelikes. I feel like the games have not aged well though. The...
  6. SuperBugMan

    What do you think of random matchmaking?

    I don't like it. It ruins one of the best aspects of WoW: The Social Scene. The way matchmaking includes other servers makes it really hard to create ingame friendships.
  7. SuperBugMan

    Any good MoP private server?

    Warmane is probably about as good as you're going to get if you're looking for a retail like experience. There's not a high demand for current/close to retail version servers, so you're not going to find very many. I wish Nost. didn't shut down. :(
  8. SuperBugMan

    How often do you play?

    I've been pretty depressed recently, so not much. A CS:Go game here, a PUBG game there. I just have trouble enjoying myself with games for some reason. I end up getting bored and leaving/abandoning. For most people its the other way around I think.
  9. SuperBugMan

    Do you dream about your game?

    Generally if I play a game too much I get a sort of 'stress dream'. I never fully fall asleep, instead I half fall asleep and just semi-dream. Its a horrible feeling. Had it last with Factorio, I was seeing conveyor belts when I closed my eyes.
  10. SuperBugMan

    Your Rig

    i7 920 (previously i5-4570 but sold it when I realized I didn't need the extra power 24GB of mismatched RAM Rx 480, Nvidia GTX 1060 and a Nivida GTX 1050 - I use these to mine. The 1050 is my daily driver. Fractal design R4 It's a nice build that has treated me well for what I paid. Picture is...
  11. SuperBugMan

    CPU or Graphic Card?

    I'm late to the party, but if you haven't ordered anything I'd like to suggest one of the new dual core skylake Pentiums over the i5. Games don't generally take advantage of multithreading, so those two extra cores are not really going to help. Save the rest for an RX 480 AFTER The mining...
  12. SuperBugMan

    Best deal?

    I bought one of those G2A CD key packs a few years back for 3 bucks. It had GTAV in it, which at the time was about 59.99. I'm not really money crunched or on a budget, but that feeling of cheating the store is amazing. Guess I see why gambling is such a problem for some people. Had anyone else...
  13. SuperBugMan

    Current CPU?

    CPU speed is so irrelevant nowadays. Everything is GPU capped at this point unless its got horrible optimization (see PUBG). I currently am rocking a i7-920 with a GTX 760. Having no problems running anything on mid settings.