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Recent content by Shiori

  1. Shiori

    Do you wait for discounts?

    I always try to wait for discounts on games that I'm really interested in. Thankfully most of my interests are geared towards older titles that I wasn't able to purchase at the time of release. I rarely browse the Steam store unless I saw that there were temporarily discounted items or there was...
  2. Shiori

    Do you spend money on gaming gear?

    I do spend money on headphones and controllers, though quite rarely and each purchases are far apart. For me, it's not really about strengthening my gaming abilities or anything.. It's more for comfort above all else. I'm not a very competitive person game-wise from the beginning, so those gears...
  3. Shiori

    Favorite Game?

    I guess it's a bit cliched, but I think my all-time favorite game is the Sims 3 series (with expansion packs + a few DLCs at least). I really liked the open-world aspect of the game and how the series used to push their limits with each new title. The Sims 4 was a huge letdown though, so I don't...
  4. Shiori

    Last Game Played?

    The last game I played is actually Pokemon Go, but I don't really think that counts these days lol. The last PC game I played is probably Stardew Valley. I don't think I'll be putting a lot of time into the game for a while, though. I'm waiting for the developer to put in updates so the player's...
  5. Shiori

    Civilization V

    Civ 5 is also my first title that I played from the series! It's not that interesting without the DLCs in my opinion, maybe because I mostly play the scenario-based single player modes instead of playing the PVP modes. There were some mechanics that I'm not too fond of, and late game phases are...
  6. Shiori

    Where do you buy games?

    Almost all of my game purchases in the last couple of years at least are on Steam. The much smaller portion of purchases are for mobile game applications on my phone through the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. I do have Origin installed on my laptop, but I'm not even sure why it's there. I...
  7. Shiori

    Steam Workshop

    It's much easier for me to use the Steam workshop instead of scouring websites for mods and then manually implementing the changes (I guess I'm very lazy :p). I wasn't really a heavy weight mod user for the most part, the ones I used to use before steam are only mods for the sims. My current...
  8. Shiori

    Opinions on Steam

    Steam offers an easy way to purchase legal copies of games for people who otherwise would have a hard time obtaining them without falling into pirated products. I heard they also make price adjustments on regions to further combat piracy. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty easy to use...
  9. Shiori

    What Series Do You Think Would Make a Good MMO?

    Harry Potter would be awesome if done right! Though the first thing that really came to my mind was also the Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series. It has a diverse terrain, plenty of races/houses and differing magic types for classes, and an amazingly vast lore. Further islands and new...