• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Roach

  1. Roach

    What phone do you have ?

    I honestly do not know, whichever is the oldest.
  2. Roach

    Mybb 1.8 Live Demo

    If anyone here could be bothered to actually research to find out what has changed instead of just trying to complain nothing much has changed, maybe you should read there blog: http://blog.mybb.com/
  3. Roach

    Most used gun?

    I have used a bit of the Peacekeeper after the DLC launch. That is pretty sweet.
  4. Roach

    Mybb 1.8 Live Demo

    Quite a lot actually, I think the topic list has been deleted since the forums got reworked for bug reports. There is a lot more than was ever expected before 2.0 though.
  5. Roach

    What phone do you have ?

    HTC Desire currently, getting the S 2 soon though.
  6. Roach

    What Type of Music do you like ?

    Dubstep for me. I like playing that whilst gaming.
  7. Roach

    Most used gun?

    PDW for me, I have it in gold and max 2nd prestige.
  8. Roach

    List of All Black Ops 2 Maps

    Is there any chance you can update these with the new maps from the DLC?
  9. Roach

    Make a website

    To give me something to do so I did not have to socialize with people face to face.
  10. Roach

    Do you use the 3D

    I have occasionally, it hurts my eyes fast though so I switch it off after a while.
  11. Roach

    The DEvolution of the PlayStation controller

    There is a lot in common with these controllers. That was by design of simplicity for the most part. However the next PS4 controller is rumored to have a touch screen and be quite a lot different. Will have to see how that works out :P
  12. Roach

    New Bendable phone by Samsung

    It is nice to see technology been stretched to it's limits (see what I did there?) but I think it will be one of them 'look what we can do even though no one will actually buy it' sort of things. Somewhat like 3D TV's seem to be like now.
  13. Roach

    What image host do you use?

    Mainly TinyPic for me, I rarely upload pictures if I am honest though unless I am doing it directly to the site (like Facebook)
  14. Roach

    COD In a Nutshell

    You most likely have. I never said I made it and I never said I did not find it elsewhere.
  15. Roach

    Slender Anyone?

    I played it, was good the first couple of times then it got boring and repetitive.