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Recent content by Pudge

  1. Pudge

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    Dota 2 is just the best deal you'll get in the free-to-play category. Every hero and item is free, and it's even possible to acquire and trade cosmetics! The constant support form Valve makes the whole deal even more amazing. Other than that, if you liked D3 or D2, you should definitely check...
  2. Pudge

    PS3 What's your "Essential Games" list?

    The one that comes to mind immediately is Demon's Souls. Absolutely fantastic game with a great art style and even better level design. This game is an absolute must-play in my opinion, especially if you enjoyed the Dark Souls titles that came a bit later. The Last of Us is also really, really...
  3. Pudge

    Personal Favorite Champion?

    I feel the new champions are getting a lot more interesting compared to basic champs like Annie, Nunu or Yi. I quite enjoy Rek'Sai's gameplay mechanics, and I am happy that Riot is willing to do something more interesting now with their new releases. LeBlanc is another favorite of mine, it's...
  4. Pudge

    DotA 2 featured on CBC

    Yep, I actually do play him quite a lot, only in normals though! I know how frustrating it can be to play with a mediocre or bad pudge, so I try to play super safe, and if I still mess up I'll try to help with the warding and stuff in order to not be completely useless.
  5. Pudge

    Which MOBA game do you like the best?

    I voted Dota, been playing it for a long time now (8 years or so). I just like the way it plays. I also feel that the hero abilites and items are a lot more interesting in Dota than in other MOBAs. For example, you can buy an item which lets you blink (essentially a flash in LoL) every few...
  6. Pudge

    Streaming (Twitch.tv , etc)

    I don't stream (don't really have anything interesting to offer), but I sometimes watch Dota 2 or Hearthstone streamers. Kripp in particular is fun to watch. Also, when a new game is about to come out, you can usually catch some streamers who got it early. Helps me to decide if I'm going to buy...
  7. Pudge

    DotA 2 featured on CBC

    Interesting to see how gaming in general becomes more and more mainstream, and at a pretty fast rate too. I remember when some TV channels (can't remember which ones) broadcast TI4, which was a pretty big deal in my opinion.
  8. Pudge

    Why do you think Minecraft has become so popular?

    At the time when started to become popular it was a rather fresh and exciting title. Most people didn't really have contact with games like these before, and Minecraft popuralized the genre (kind of like WoW did with MMOs). It's also a title that pretty much markets itself, because players want...
  9. Pudge

    Why does CoD: Ghosts get so much hate?

    Sure, it's not exactly the most innovative series, but Pokemon isn't either. You see no one complaining about how there's not enough innovation there. It gets hate because it's the most popular FPS, and people love to hate popular things. I understand that CoD is more beginner friendly than...
  10. Pudge

    PS2 Favorite PlayStation 2 Game

    I really can't pick a favorite, but a game that really stood out to me was Dragon Quest 8. It had a really gorgeous, cel shaded artstyle that still looks nice today. Its gameplay is comparable to titles like Final Fantasy X, if you're not familiar with DQ. Quite a few side quests too, if just...
  11. Pudge

    Overwatch Trailer, definitely a must-see. An upcoming epic FPS from Blizzard

    It definitely looks fun, but I am not too fond of TF2, and Overwatch looks a lot like it as you said. I would've prefered if they announced Warcraft 4, but that was of course unlikely since Starcraft 2 is still running. Actually, just give me any RPG or RTS, that would've made me more excited...
  12. Pudge

    Now that it's been a few weeks, how do you feel about Warlords of Draenor?

    It's fun, but to me, the garrison system is nothing but a bother. WoW has enough menus already, in fact, at least 50% of the time you're just navigating menus instead of actually playing. LFR, crafting, the dungeon finder, the auction house, and now the garrison. Sending your followers on...
  13. Pudge

    PvE or PvP?

    I play a little bit of both, mostly PvP though. I just do the LFR content to see the new bosses and get some loot. After that, it's back to PvP. I would actually be interested in trying out the harder PvE content, but I don't really want to bother with finding a good guild and following raid...
  14. Pudge

    So, what did you think of Timeless Isle?

    I thought it was a great idea and I had lots of fun with it. What irks me a bit is that players are always complaining about the lack of world PvP and as soon as they get an opportunity to do just that (while also earning rewards), they can't stop whining about getting ganked a few times. I got...
  15. Pudge

    What's your take on Dragon Age : Inquisition?

    I bought it recently and I have to say I am actually pretty disappointed with it. I loved the original Dragon Age because of its story driven side quests and the plot, but so far I've only encountered boring fetch quests that I would have expected in an MMO rather than a pure single player game...