• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by PackmanHD

  1. PackmanHD

    Do you think GTA V is too violent?

    I wouldn't describe any games as being too violent, mainly because the game has its 18+ rating for a reason. I know kids still do play it, but Rockstar have done what they can to prevent it. To be honest the only scene in the game that I think pushed it slightly too far was the torture scene...
  2. PackmanHD

    Favorite childhood game

    My favourite was a game on the PS2 that I don't think too many people knew about, it was called "Destroy All Humans!" and I've never had so much fun playing a game before. There's just something really cool about playing as an alien with these insane weapons, and it actually had a fairly...
  3. PackmanHD

    Assassins Creed: Black Flag

    It is a very impressive game, and is also the last one I was actually interested enough by to play. In my opinion this is the last good AC game. Its impossible not to mention how stunning this game is visually, and it actually had pretty interesting characters. It was also pulled off really well...
  4. PackmanHD

    Favourite COD

    It has always been Modern Warfare 2 for me. I still play that game to this day, and I have poured hours of my time in to that game (which is something I cannot say for the more recent CoD games). Everything about this game was fantastic to me. The campaign was great, intriguing and even...
  5. PackmanHD

    Do you think the next CoD should return to the World War?

    After recently replaying and completing CoD: World at War, I realised how amazing older Call of Duty campaigns were. I've always wanted them to go back to a World War type setting, or at least set around the same time as Modern Warfare 2. I've never really got behind the futuristic settings in...
  6. PackmanHD

    GTA V - Favorite Character?

    Everybody has pretty much said it so far, but I definitely think Trevor is the best character in GTA V. I just love how unpredictable and completely (for lack of a better term) mental he is! I loved all the other characters as well, but Trevor just really had a unique aspect to his character...
  7. PackmanHD

    Why does CoD: Ghosts get so much hate?

    I'm a huge fan of most Call of Duty games, but Ghosts really isn't for me. I'd say I definitely consider it to be the worst CoD game of the last 5 years, but I do have my reasons for that. The first thing I heavily disliked in the game was what could only be described as a bland colour...