• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by LydiaHilda

  1. LydiaHilda

    Do you like playing your game with your siblings?

    That's funny! I come from a family of all girls and we used to play games together a lot. Usually pretty simple multiplayer console stuff like racing games, since most of our favorite games were single player on handhelds. But don't assume your sisters don't want to play with you just because...
  2. LydiaHilda

    Will PC Gaming Overtake Consoles

    I'm not sure. Consoles have a lot of exclusive games, like pretty much everything Nintendo, and companies are probably going to try and keep selling their consoles for as long as possible since they're expensive and they can make a lot of money from revamping and updating them. That being said...
  3. LydiaHilda

    Planning to upgrade to the New 3DS?

    I get annoyed with companies making their own products obsolete to try and force the consumer to buy more stuff. Not cool. The 3DS I've been using is just fine, and I use it pretty much exactly the way I used my old 2DS. The 3D feels like taking an eye test or, like those optical illusion books...
  4. LydiaHilda

    Does Anyone Still Play Runescape?

    I recently got back on old school Runescape, after nearly ten years, and wow, what a nostalgia trip! The crummy graphics, the music, everything. It felt like I was back in middle school. I played for about a week, but the game is so grind-y that the nostalgia couldn't hold it. It's pretty fun...
  5. LydiaHilda

    How many gaming consoles do you have?

    I've owned several handheld consoles in the past, but at this point I've gotten rid of al of them and now I just game on my computer or on my phone for some games. Since our tax return came in, however, my husband and I have been waiting for a Nintendo Switch to be available near us! He's a huge...
  6. LydiaHilda

    Renting games before buying?

    I've never rented a game, but it seems like a good way to test out a game that you're not sure you'll like. Nowadays, though, with all the YouTube playthroughs and game reviews available online, I'm not sure it's worth it anymore, unless you're the type of person that likes to play lots of games...
  7. LydiaHilda

    Difficulty or Fun?

    I'm more of a casual gamer, so I don't like games that are too difficult. I gave up on Dark Souls III after on of the longest, angriest hours of my life, haha. But if I play a game a lot, I'll sometimes move up in difficulty if the easy levels get to be too easy and not fun anymore. Games that...
  8. LydiaHilda

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    For me, the stupidest game ever created has to be those weird mobile games where you can record your voice and make an animated character "speak." I think it was called Talking Tom, and my little sister was completely obsessed with it for a while. I don't even know if it counts as a game, but...
  9. LydiaHilda

    How do you take losing when you were young?

    I'm embarrassed to say that when I was a kid I used to cry if I lost or get really upset. I always played games with my sisters and we'd get really competitive, especially my older sister! It didn't really get physical, but we'd certainly bicker and argue and get pretty heated if there was any...
  10. LydiaHilda

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    If there's a solution, I don't know what it is. If I'm playing a driving game, I'll lean my whole body in the direction I want the vehicle to go, even though that's not how I drive in real life! Or if I'm playing a console game, if I'm extremely focused on getting a character over a jump, I'll...
  11. LydiaHilda

    Strained eyes while playing games

    I have dry eye problems, so if I spend too much time looking at a screen I tend to get uncomfortable. Usually I just have to take my contacts out and rinse them with lens solution. If I'm on my phone I'll set it to night shift, or if I'm on the computer, I have a pair of glasses that block blue...
  12. LydiaHilda

    Free games vs Paid games?

    Some free games can be awesome, like mobile games. For example, Pokemon Go! It's a lot of fun to play and it's free, but for most of the free games to be any good, there has to be some way for the developers to make money, whether it's ads or in-game purchases. For gameplay quality and overall...
  13. LydiaHilda

    How do you choose your games?

    YouTube reviews are such a lifesaver! Watching someone actually play the game is so much more helpful than just having someone describe it to you. If I'm looking into a new game, I usually take recommendations from friends and family first, and then I'll take those recommendations and look the...
  14. LydiaHilda

    Halo 4 good for kids?

    I probably wouldn't be comfortable with a younger kid playing that kind of game, but you're his dad and obviously you have a very good sense of what he can handle game-wise. If the enemies aren't super realistic and there aren't blood spatters or anything really disturbing, then your judgment's...
  15. LydiaHilda

    Am I alone?

    Nah, it's not just you! You might be one of the most active members on the forum, but there's still plenty of people here to comment and discuss. It just depends on time zone, like others have mentioned, and of course who has free time when! Most of us work during the week so we'll be here more...