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Recent content by Lindsy90

  1. Lindsy90

    Favorite hand-held system?

    Pandemic, I enjoy the collaborative aspect of it versus trying to crush people. But when I am in the mood to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and hear the lamentations of their women, I got whith Risk :D
  2. Lindsy90

    Favorite hand-held system?

    Gameboy Advance was amazing. Gameboy Color was pretty amazing too for what it was. I've had a PSP since the day it came out.. I can honestly say I've only used it maybe a dozen times .
  3. Lindsy90

    Favorite CoD game?

    Tough call between modern Warfare 2 and Advanced Warfare as they're prettu much tied for me. Those are closely followed by Ghosts and Black Ops 2 .
  4. Lindsy90

    What games do you currently play?

    South Park Stick of Truth. I always hated turn based RPG games but now I want to play more games like that. I also really hope they make another south Park video game.
  5. Lindsy90

    What's your favorite MOBA?

    I gotta say League of Legends. It's fairly easy to get into and I played a lot with my friends so that made it even more enjoyable. That is until I got bored of it. As for favorite champion, I'll go with Garen. Dat Op ultimate ability.
  6. Lindsy90

    Games you would like to see..

    Personally, I would love to see Lord Of The Rings : Two Towers Return Of The King remastered. Those games were so goddamn fun. I was hoping to see it remastered on the PS3 because for the PS3 had a hack and slash invasion for z while and seeing God Of War Trilogy and DMV HD collection come out...
  7. Lindsy90

    Favorite video game villain?

    GlaDOS from Portal. I've always been a fan of snarky trolling asshole villains, and GLaDOS is no 1 in ly book, with Handsome Jack from Broderlands and Pegan Min from FaCry 4 being honorable mentions.
  8. Lindsy90

    Favorite RPG Game?

    Here are my top 5 no particular order. I see that nothing since the PS2 gen has blown me away. Bad sing for me. Chrono Trigger (SNES) Suikoden II (PSX) Dragon Quext VIII (PS2) Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox) Final Fantasy IX (PSX)
  9. Lindsy90

    Favorite gaming company?

    Gearbox has been a favorite of mine since borderlands. Bioware is another. Although that's mainly nostalgia for the old days talking, and a little bit of influence from mass effect series as well.
  10. Lindsy90

    How often do you buy new games?

    When studios started cutting content in order to sell it as $DLC, I stopped pre-ordering games and only buy them on sale now. My wish lisg is just to keep track of WHEN they goon sale.
  11. Lindsy90

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    Star trek Online is a pretty good F2P game. What makes that game special is you can play it and never spend a dime on it. You litterally have the ability to by anything in that game without the use of real life money. It might take you awhile to get the ships you want, but you can do it.
  12. Lindsy90

    Favourite Game Genre

    RPGs: I just god damn love them. I get so invested in the story and charaters, no other genre of games can do that. I love adventuring, i love exploring. I love big stories, characrers.... that the RPG bread and butter.
  13. Lindsy90

    Hardest game you have ever played?

    Mostly NES and SNED games: Castlevania 3 Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 Bettleoads Zelda 2 Mega man 2 Conrra 3 The original kid Icarus for NES TMNT on NES And it might just be me. But I find the first God of War game brutally difficult. Especially the entire last section of the game.
  14. Lindsy90

    Why do you actually enjoy gaming?

    i enjoy playing games a lot because its fun there are many games that play make me feel that i am in another world and if the games did not make us enjoy i think we will not play it :p
  15. Lindsy90

    How many hours do you play a day?

    I play for an hour or two a day and maybe i do not play a dau but usually two hours in a week . :p