• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Juno

  1. Juno

    Haven't played diablo 3 yet because of bad reviews from old gamers, should i try it?

    I avoided D3 for the same reasons. My college years were cushioned by D2 (with the LOD expansion) and Unreal Tournament. Me and a group of geeky friends would spend hours playing that game and even more time at college talking about it. The amount of grinding we did for runes and gems was...
  2. Juno

    What I hate about pc gaming

    What I find hard is being strict with 'This is work time' and not sneaking in a quick 5 minutes *cough* 4 hour *cough* breaks, it really affected my productivity. To get round this I now get a lot of work done on a tablet that doesn't have a chance in hell of playing the games I like and my...
  3. Juno

    What languages do you know?

    At work I used PHP, database query languages and your typical web languages/scripting/Markup (Javascript, HTML5, CSS......). For application programming I use C++,C#,Java,Swift. For personal projects like game development, I use C++,C# or Java. Of course I use game libraries with those...
  4. Juno

    Anyone else think autosaves and checkpoints ruined newer GTA versions?

    You're right. OK, it could get frustrating sometimes to have to do the whole missions again but it did make completing the mission so much more rewarding. Helped to increase the playtime of the game too which isn't a bad thing. I think it's back to the whole thing of people nowadays want things...
  5. Juno

    Which is your favourite RPG from the 16/24 bit generation?

    Secret and Mana is one of my favourites. Mainly because me and my best friend spent ages battling through that game. We'd only play it together so for a few weekends it was like being on an adventure. It was so exciting to keep powering up your weapons, exploring the world and just really being...
  6. Juno

    Did you use a emulator?

    My phone and my tablet both have SNes, GBA and PSX emulators installed. My saves are stored in dropbox so whichever device I use, I pick up where I left off. On PC I use a PS2 emulator as my game catalogue is huge and I have still yet to find anything better than NFS:UG2 or ROTK8.
  7. Juno

    Explain the appeal of minecraft to a non player?

    Biggest benefit for me: I babysit my 8 year old niece every so often. She loves Minecraft (Creative mode). I don't have to plan how to entertain her, I don't after to tidy up any toys after she's left, she doesn't make too much noise.... I just fire up the server, we jump on it and build rubbish...
  8. Juno

    Good evening!!!!!

    I'm into my older games or ones that contain as little DLC as possible, my little rebellion against the greedy software houses! :P I like deep tactical games, ROTK series being one of my favourites. I like in the UK and work in IT. I feel lately work has been taking too much of my time so I'm...